Linux manpage

manpage sudo

SUDO(8) BSD System Manager’s Manual SUDO(8)


sudo, sudoedit âАФ execute a command as another user


     sudo -h | -K | -k | -V
     sudo -v [-ABknS] [-g group] [-h host] [-p prompt] [-u user]
     sudo -l [-ABknS] [-g group] [-h host] [-p prompt] [-U user] [-u user] [command]
     sudo [-ABbEHnPS] [-C num] [-D directory] [-g group] [-h host] [-p prompt] [-R directory] [-r role] [-t type] [-T timeout] [-u user] [VAR=value]
          [-i | -s] [command]
     sudoedit [-ABknS] [-C num] [-D directory] [-g group] [-h host] [-p prompt] [-R directory] [-r role] [-t type] [-T timeout] [-u user] file ...


     sudo allows a permitted user to execute a command as the superuser or another user, as specified by the security policy.  The invoking user's real
     (not effective) user-ID is used to determine the user name with which to query the security policy.

     sudo supports a plugin architecture for security policies and input/output logging.  Third parties can develop and distribute their own policy and
     I/O logging plugins to work seamlessly with the sudo front end.  The default security policy is sudoers, which is configured via the file
     /etc/sudoers, or via LDAP.  See the Plugins section for more information.

     The security policy determines what privileges, if any, a user has to run sudo.  The policy may require that users authenticate themselves with a
     password or another authentication mechanism.  If authentication is required, sudo will exit if the user's password is not entered within a configâАР
     urable time limit.  This limit is policy-specific; the default password prompt timeout for the sudoers security policy is 0 minutes.

     Security policies may support credential caching to allow the user to run sudo again for a period of time without requiring authentication.  By deâАР
     fault, the sudoers policy caches credentials on a per-terminal basis for 15 minutes.  See the timestamp_type and timestamp_timeout options in
     sudoers(5) for more information.  By running sudo with the -v option, a user can update the cached credentials without running a command.

     On systems where sudo is the primary method of gaining superuser privileges, it is imperative to avoid syntax errors in the security policy configâАР
     uration files.  For the default security policy, sudoers(5), changes to the configuration files should be made using the visudo(8) utility which
     will ensure that no syntax errors are introduced.

     When invoked as sudoedit, the -e option (described below), is implied.

     Security policies may log successful and failed attempts to use sudo.  If an I/O plugin is configured, the running command's input and output may
     be logged as well.

     The options are as follows:

     -A, --askpass
                 Normally, if sudo requires a password, it will read it from the user's terminal.  If the -A (askpass) option is specified, a (possibly
                 graphical) helper program is executed to read the user's password and output the password to the standard output.  If the SUDO_ASKPASS
                 environment variable is set, it specifies the path to the helper program.  Otherwise, if sudo.conf(5) contains a line specifying the
                 askpass program, that value will be used.  For example:

                     # Path to askpass helper program
                     Path askpass /usr/X11R6/bin/ssh-askpass

                 If no askpass program is available, sudo will exit with an error.

     -B, --bell  Ring the bell as part of the password promp when a terminal is present.  This option has no effect if an askpass program is used.

     -b, --background
                 Run the given command in the background.  Note that it is not possible to use shell job control to manipulate background processes
                 started by sudo.  Most interactive commands will fail to work properly in background mode.

     -C num, --close-from=num
                 Close all file descriptors greater than or equal to num before executing a command.  Values less than three are not permitted.  By deâАР
                 fault, sudo will close all open file descriptors other than standard input, standard output and standard error when executing a comâАР
                 mand.  The security policy may restrict the user's ability to use this option.  The sudoers policy only permits use of the -C option
                 when the administrator has enabled the closefrom_override option.

     -D directory, --chdir=directory
                 Run the command in the specified directory instead of the current working directory.  The security policy may return an error if the
                 user does not have permission to specify the working directory.

     -E, --preserve-env
                 Indicates to the security policy that the user wishes to preserve their existing environment variables.  The security policy may return
                 an error if the user does not have permission to preserve the environment.

                 Indicates to the security policy that the user wishes to add the comma-separated list of environment variables to those preserved from
                 the user's environment.  The security policy may return an error if the user does not have permission to preserve the environment.
                 This option may be specified multiple times.

     -e, --edit  Edit one or more files instead of running a command.  In lieu of a path name, the string "sudoedit" is used when consulting the secuâАР
                 rity policy.  If the user is authorized by the policy, the following steps are taken:

                 1.   Temporary copies are made of the files to be edited with the owner set to the invoking user.

                 2.   The editor specified by the policy is run to edit the temporary files.  The sudoers policy uses the SUDO_EDITOR, VISUAL and EDITOR
                      environment variables (in that order).  If none of SUDO_EDITOR, VISUAL or EDITOR are set, the first program listed in the editor
                      sudoers(5) option is used.

                 3.   If they have been modified, the temporary files are copied back to their original location and the temporary versions are removed.

                 To help prevent the editing of unauthorized files, the following restrictions are enforced unless explicitly allowed by the security

                 âА¢  Symbolic links may not be edited (version 1.8.15 and higher).

                 âА¢  Symbolic links along the path to be edited are not followed when the parent directory is writable by the invoking user unless that
                    user is root (version 1.8.16 and higher).

                 âА¢  Files located in a directory that is writable by the invoking user may not be edited unless that user is root (version 1.8.16 and

                 Users are never allowed to edit device special files.

                 If the specified file does not exist, it will be created.  Note that unlike most commands run by sudo, the editor is run with the inâАР
                 voking user's environment unmodified.  If the temporary file becomes empty after editing, the user will be prompted before it is inâАР
                 stalled.  If, for some reason, sudo is unable to update a file with its edited version, the user will receive a warning and the edited
                 copy will remain in a temporary file.

     -g group, --group=group
                 Run the command with the primary group set to group instead of the primary group specified by the target user's password database enâАР
                 try.  The group may be either a group name or a numeric group-ID (GID) prefixed with the âА~#âАTM character (e.g., #0 for GID 0).  When runâАР
                 ning a command as a GID, many shells require that the âА~#âАTM be escaped with a backslash (âА~\âАTM).  If no -u option is specified, the command
                 will be run as the invoking user.  In either case, the primary group will be set to group.  The sudoers policy permits any of the tarâАР
                 get user's groups to be specified via the -g option as long as the -P option is not in use.

     -H, --set-home
                 Request that the security policy set the HOME environment variable to the home directory specified by the target user's password dataâАР
                 base entry.  Depending on the policy, this may be the default behavior.

     -h, --help  Display a short help message to the standard output and exit.

     -h host, --host=host
                 Run the command on the specified host if the security policy plugin supports remote commands.  Note that the sudoers plugin does not
                 currently support running remote commands.  This may also be used in conjunction with the -l option to list a user's privileges for the
                 remote host.

     -i, --login
                 Run the shell specified by the target user's password database entry as a login shell.  This means that login-specific resource files
                 such as .profile, .bash_profile or .login will be read by the shell.  If a command is specified, it is passed to the shell for execuâАР
                 tion via the shell's -c option.  If no command is specified, an interactive shell is executed.  sudo attempts to change to that user's
                 home directory before running the shell.  The command is run with an environment similar to the one a user would receive at log in.
                 Note that most shells behave differently when a command is specified as compared to an interactive session; consult the shell's manual
                 for details.  The Command environment section in the sudoers(5) manual documents how the -i option affects the environment in which a
                 command is run when the sudoers policy is in use.

     -K, --remove-timestamp
                 Similar to the -k option, except that it removes the user's cached credentials entirely and may not be used in conjunction with a comâАР
                 mand or other option.  This option does not require a password.  Not all security policies support credential caching.

     -k, --reset-timestamp
                 When used without a command, invalidates the user's cached credentials.  In other words, the next time sudo is run a password will be
                 required.  This option does not require a password and was added to allow a user to revoke sudo permissions from a .logout file.

                 When used in conjunction with a command or an option that may require a password, this option will cause sudo to ignore the user's
                 cached credentials.  As a result, sudo will prompt for a password (if one is required by the security policy) and will not update the
                 user's cached credentials.

                 Not all security policies support credential caching.

     -l, --list  If no command is specified, list the allowed (and forbidden) commands for the invoking user (or the user specified by the -U option) on
                 the current host.  A longer list format is used if this option is specified multiple times and the security policy supports a verbose
                 output format.

                 If a command is specified and is permitted by the security policy, the fully-qualified path to the command is displayed along with any
                 command line arguments.  If a command is specified but not allowed by the policy, sudo will exit with a status value of 1.

     -n, --non-interactive
                 Avoid prompting the user for input of any kind.  If a password is required for the command to run, sudo will display an error message
                 and exit.

     -P, --preserve-groups
                 Preserve the invoking user's group vector unaltered.  By default, the sudoers policy will initialize the group vector to the list of
                 groups the target user is a member of.  The real and effective group-IDs, however, are still set to match the target user.

     -p prompt, --prompt=prompt
                 Use a custom password prompt with optional escape sequences.  The following percent (âА~%âАTM) escape sequences are supported by the sudoers

                 %H  expanded to the host name including the domain name (on if the machine's host name is fully qualified or the fqdn option is set in

                 %h  expanded to the local host name without the domain name

                 %p  expanded to the name of the user whose password is being requested (respects the rootpw, targetpw, and runaspw flags in sudoers(5))

                 %U  expanded to the login name of the user the command will be run as (defaults to root unless the -u option is also specified)

                 %u  expanded to the invoking user's login name

                 %%  two consecutive âА~%âАTM characters are collapsed into a single âА~%âАTM character

                 The custom prompt will override the default prompt specified by either the security policy or the SUDO_PROMPT environment variable.  On
                 systems that use PAM, the custom prompt will also override the prompt specified by a PAM module unless the passprompt_override flag is
                 disabled in sudoers.

     -R directory, --chroot=directory
                 Change to the specified root directory (see chroot(8)) before running the command.  The security policy may return an error if the user
                 does not have permission to specify the root directory.

     -r role, --role=role
                 Run the command with an SELinux security context that includes the specified role.

     -S, --stdin
                 Write the prompt to the standard error and read the password from the standard input instead of using the terminal device.

     -s, --shell
                 Run the shell specified by the SHELL environment variable if it is set or the shell specified by the invoking user's password database
                 entry.  If a command is specified, it is passed to the shell for execution via the shell's -c option.  If no command is specified, an
                 interactive shell is executed.  Note that most shells behave differently when a command is specified as compared to an interactive sesâАР
                 sion; consult the shell's manual for details.

     -t type, --type=type
                 Run the command with an SELinux security context that includes the specified type.  If no type is specified, the default type is deâАР
                 rived from the role.

     -U user, --other-user=user
                 Used in conjunction with the -l option to list the privileges for user instead of for the invoking user.  The security policy may reâАР
                 strict listing other users' privileges.  The sudoers policy only allows root or a user with the ALL privilege on the current host to
                 use this option.

     -T timeout, --command-timeout=timeout
                 Used to set a timeout for the command.  If the timeout expires before the command has exited, the command will be terminated.  The seâАР
                 curity policy may restrict the ability to set command timeouts.  The sudoers policy requires that user-specified timeouts be explicitly

     -u user, --user=user
                 Run the command as a user other than the default target user (usually root).  The user may be either a user name or a numeric user-ID
                 (UID) prefixed with the âА~#âАTM character (e.g., #0 for UID 0).  When running commands as a UID, many shells require that the âА~#âАTM be esâАР
                 caped with a backslash (âА~\âАTM).  Some security policies may restrict UIDs to those listed in the password database.  The sudoers policy
                 allows UIDs that are not in the password database as long as the targetpw option is not set.  Other security policies may not support

     -V, --version
                 Print the sudo version string as well as the version string of the security policy plugin and any I/O plugins.  If the invoking user is
                 already root the -V option will display the arguments passed to configure when sudo was built and plugins may display more verbose inâАР
                 formation such as default options.

     -v, --validate
                 Update the user's cached credentials, authenticating the user if necessary.  For the sudoers plugin, this extends the sudo timeout for
                 another 15 minutes by default, but does not run a command.  Not all security policies support cached credentials.

     --          The -- option indicates that sudo should stop processing command line arguments.

     Options that take a value may only be specified once unless otherwise indicated in the description.  This is to help guard against problems caused
     by poorly written scripts that invoke sudo with user-controlled input.

     Environment variables to be set for the command may also be passed on the command line in the form of VAR=value, e.g.,
     LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/pkg/lib.  Variables passed on the command line are subject to restrictions imposed by the security policy plugin.  The
     sudoers policy subjects variables passed on the command line to the same restrictions as normal environment variables with one important exception.
     If the setenv option is set in sudoers, the command to be run has the SETENV tag set or the command matched is ALL, the user may set variables that
     would otherwise be forbidden.  See sudoers(5) for more information.


     When sudo executes a command, the security policy specifies the execution environment for the command.  Typically, the real and effective user and
     group and IDs are set to match those of the target user, as specified in the password database, and the group vector is initialized based on the
     group database (unless the -P option was specified).

     The following parameters may be specified by security policy:

     âА¢  real and effective user-ID

     âА¢  real and effective group-ID

     âА¢  supplementary group-IDs

     âА¢  the environment list

     âА¢  current working directory

     âА¢  file creation mode mask (umask)

     âА¢  SELinux role and type

     âА¢  scheduling priority (aka nice value)

Process model
There are two distinct ways sudo can run a command.

     If an I/O logging plugin is configured or if the security policy explicitly requests it, a new pseudo-terminal (âАЬptyâАЭ) is allocated and fork(2) is
     used to create a second sudo process, referred to as the monitor.  The monitor creates a new terminal session with itself as the leader and the pty
     as its controlling terminal, calls fork(2), sets up the execution environment as described above, and then uses the execve(2) system call to run
     the command in the child process.  The monitor exists to relay job control signals between the user's existing terminal and the pty the command is
     being run in.  This makes it possible to suspend and resume the command.  Without the monitor, the command would be in what POSIX terms an
     âАЬorphaned process groupâАЭ and it would not receive any job control signals from the kernel.  When the command exits or is terminated by a signal,
     the monitor passes the command's exit status to the main sudo process and exits.  After receiving the command's exit status, the main sudo passes
     the command's exit status to the security policy's close function and exits.

     If no pty is used, sudo calls fork(2), sets up the execution environment as described above, and uses the execve(2) system call to run the command
     in the child process.  The main sudo process waits until the command has completed, then passes the command's exit status to the security policy's
     close function and exits.  As a special case, if the policy plugin does not define a close function, sudo will execute the command directly instead
     of calling fork(2) first.  The sudoers policy plugin will only define a close function when I/O logging is enabled, a pty is required, or the
     pam_session or pam_setcred options are enabled.  Note that pam_session and pam_setcred are enabled by default on systems using PAM.

     On systems that use PAM, the security policy's close function is responsible for closing the PAM session.  It may also log the command's exit staâАР

Signal handling

     When the command is run as a child of the sudo process, sudo will relay signals it receives to the command.  The SIGINT and SIGQUIT signals are
     only relayed when the command is being run in a new pty or when the signal was sent by a user process, not the kernel.  This prevents the command
     from receiving SIGINT twice each time the user enters control-C.  Some signals, such as SIGSTOP and SIGKILL, cannot be caught and thus will not be
     relayed to the command.  As a general rule, SIGTSTP should be used instead of SIGSTOP when you wish to suspend a command being run by sudo.

     As a special case, sudo will not relay signals that were sent by the command it is running.  This prevents the command from accidentally killing
     itself.  On some systems, the reboot(8) command sends SIGTERM to all non-system processes other than itself before rebooting the system.  This preâАР
     vents sudo from relaying the SIGTERM signal it received back to reboot(8), which might then exit before the system was actually rebooted, leaving
     it in a half-dead state similar to single user mode.  Note, however, that this check only applies to the command run by sudo and not any other proâАР
     cesses that the command may create.  As a result, running a script that calls reboot(8) or shutdown(8) via sudo may cause the system to end up in
     this undefined state unless the reboot(8) or shutdown(8) are run using the exec() family of functions instead of system() (which interposes a shell
     between the command and the calling process).

     If no I/O logging plugins are loaded and the policy plugin has not defined a close() function, set a command timeout or required that the command
     be run in a new pty, sudo may execute the command directly instead of running it as a child process.


     Plugins may be specified via Plugin directives in the sudo.conf(5) file.  They may be loaded as dynamic shared objects (on systems that support
     them), or compiled directly into the sudo binary.  If no sudo.conf(5) file is present, or if it doesn't contain any Plugin lines, sudo will use
     sudoers(5) for the policy, auditing and I/O logging plugins.  See the sudo.conf(5) manual for details of the /etc/sudo.conf file and the
     sudo_plugin(5) manual for more information about the sudo plugin architecture.


     Upon successful execution of a command, the exit status from sudo will be the exit status of the program that was executed.  If the command termiâАР
     nated due to receipt of a signal, sudo will send itself the same signal that terminated the command.

     If the -l option was specified without a command, sudo will exit with a value of 0 if the user is allowed to run sudo and they authenticated sucâАР
     cessfully (as required by the security policy).  If a command is specified with the -l option, the exit value will only be 0 if the command is perâАР
     mitted by the security policy, otherwise it will be 1.

     If there is an authentication failure, a configuration/permission problem or if the given command cannot be executed, sudo exits with a value of 1.
     In the latter case, the error string is printed to the standard error.  If sudo cannot stat(2) one or more entries in the user's PATH, an error is
     printed to the standard error.  (If the directory does not exist or if it is not really a directory, the entry is ignored and no error is printed.)
     This should not happen under normal circumstances.  The most common reason for stat(2) to return âАЬpermission deniedâАЭ is if you are running an autoâАР
     mounter and one of the directories in your PATH is on a machine that is currently unreachable.


sudo tries to be safe when executing external commands.

     To prevent command spoofing, sudo checks "." and "" (both denoting current directory) last when searching for a command in the user's PATH (if one
     or both are in the PATH).  Note, however, that the actual PATH environment variable is not modified and is passed unchanged to the program that
     sudo executes.

     Users should never be granted sudo privileges to execute files that are writable by the user or that reside in a directory that is writable by the
     user.  If the user can modify or replace the command there is no way to limit what additional commands they can run.

     Please note that sudo will normally only log the command it explicitly runs.  If a user runs a command such as sudo su or sudo sh, subsequent comâАР
     mands run from that shell are not subject to sudo's security policy.  The same is true for commands that offer shell escapes (including most ediâАР
     tors).  If I/O logging is enabled, subsequent commands will have their input and/or output logged, but there will not be traditional logs for those
     commands.  Because of this, care must be taken when giving users access to commands via sudo to verify that the command does not inadvertently give
     the user an effective root shell.  For more information, please see the Preventing shell escapes section in sudoers(5).

     To prevent the disclosure of potentially sensitive information, sudo disables core dumps by default while it is executing (they are re-enabled for
     the command that is run).  This historical practice dates from a time when most operating systems allowed set-user-ID processes to dump core by deâАР
     fault.  To aid in debugging sudo crashes, you may wish to re-enable core dumps by setting âАЬdisable_coredumpâАЭ to false in the sudo.conf(5) file as

           Set disable_coredump false

     See the sudo.conf(5) manual for more information.


sudo utilizes the following environment variables. The security policy has control over the actual content of the command’s environment.

EDITOR Default editor to use in -e (sudoedit) mode if neither SUDO_EDITOR nor VISUAL is set.

     MAIL             Set to the mail spool of the target user when the -i option is specified or when env_reset is enabled in sudoers (unless MAIL is
                      present in the env_keep list).

     HOME             Set to the home directory of the target user when the -i or -H options are specified, when the -s option is specified and set_home
                      is set in sudoers, when always_set_home is enabled in sudoers, or when env_reset is enabled in sudoers and HOME is not present in
                      the env_keep list.

     LOGNAME          Set to the login name of the target user when the -i option is specified, when the set_logname option is enabled in sudoers or
                      when the env_reset option is enabled in sudoers (unless LOGNAME is present in the env_keep list).

     PATH             May be overridden by the security policy.

     SHELL            Used to determine shell to run with -s option.

     SUDO_ASKPASS     Specifies the path to a helper program used to read the password if no terminal is available or if the -A option is specified.

     SUDO_COMMAND     Set to the command run by sudo, including command line arguments.  The command line arguments are truncated at 4096 characters to
                      prevent a potential execution error.

     SUDO_EDITOR      Default editor to use in -e (sudoedit) mode.

     SUDO_GID         Set to the group-ID of the user who invoked sudo.

     SUDO_PROMPT      Used as the default password prompt unless the -p option was specified.

     SUDO_PS1         If set, PS1 will be set to its value for the program being run.

     SUDO_UID         Set to the user-ID of the user who invoked sudo.

     SUDO_USER        Set to the login name of the user who invoked sudo.

     USER             Set to the same value as LOGNAME, described above.

     VISUAL           Default editor to use in -e (sudoedit) mode if SUDO_EDITOR is not set.


/etc/sudo.conf sudo front end configuration


Note: the following examples assume a properly configured security policy.

To get a file listing of an unreadable directory:

$ sudo ls /usr/local/protected

To list the home directory of user yaz on a machine where the file system holding ~yaz is not exported as root:

$ sudo -u yaz ls ~yaz

To edit the index.html file as user www:

$ sudoedit -u www ~www/htdocs/index.html

To view system logs only accessible to root and users in the adm group:

$ sudo -g adm more /var/log/syslog

To run an editor as jim with a different primary group:

$ sudoedit -u jim -g audio ~jim/sound.txt

To shut down a machine:

$ sudo shutdown -r +15 “quick reboot”

     To make a usage listing of the directories in the /home partition.  Note that this runs the commands in a sub-shell to make the cd and file rediâАР
     rection work.

           $ sudo sh -c "cd /home ; du -s * | sort -rn > USAGE"


Error messages produced by sudo include:

     editing files in a writable directory is not permitted
           By default, sudoedit does not permit editing a file when any of the parent directories are writable by the invoking user.  This avoids a race
           condition that could allow the user to overwrite an arbitrary file.  See the sudoedit_checkdir option in sudoers(5) for more information.

     editing symbolic links is not permitted
           By default, sudoedit does not follow symbolic links when opening files.  See the sudoedit_follow option in sudoers(5) for more information.

     effective uid is not 0, is sudo installed setuid root?
           sudo was not run with root privileges.  The sudo binary must be owned by the root user and have the set-user-ID bit set.  Also, it must not
           be located on a file system mounted with the âА~nosuidâАTM option or on an NFS file system that maps uid 0 to an unprivileged uid.

     effective uid is not 0, is sudo on a file system with the 'nosuid' option set or an NFS file system without root privileges?
           sudo was not run with root privileges.  The sudo binary has the proper owner and permissions but it still did not run with root privileges.
           The most common reason for this is that the file system the sudo binary is located on is mounted with the âА~nosuidâАTM option or it is an NFS
           file system that maps uid 0 to an unprivileged uid.

     fatal error, unable to load plugins
           An error occurred while loading or initializing the plugins specified in sudo.conf(5).

     invalid environment variable name
           One or more environment variable names specified via the -E option contained an equal sign (âА~=âАTM).  The arguments to the -E option should be
           environment variable names without an associated value.

     no password was provided
           When sudo tried to read the password, it did not receive any characters.  This may happen if no terminal is available (or the -S option is
           specified) and the standard input has been redirected from /dev/null.

     a terminal is required to read the password
           sudo needs to read the password but there is no mechanism available for it to do so.  A terminal is not present to read the password from,
           sudo has not been configured to read from the standard input, the -S option was not used, and no askpass helper has been specified either via
           the sudo.conf(5) file or the SUDO_ASKPASS environment variable.

     no writable temporary directory found
           sudoedit was unable to find a usable temporary directory in which to store its intermediate files.

     sudo must be owned by uid 0 and have the setuid bit set
           sudo was not run with root privileges.  The sudo binary does not have the correct owner or permissions.  It must be owned by the root user
           and have the set-user-ID bit set.

     sudoedit is not supported on this platform
           It is only possible to run sudoedit on systems that support setting the effective user-ID.

     timed out reading password
           The user did not enter a password before the password timeout (5 minutes by default) expired.

     you do not exist in the passwd database
           Your user-ID does not appear in the system passwd database.

     you may not specify environment variables in edit mode
           It is only possible to specify environment variables when running a command.  When editing a file, the editor is run with the user's environâАР
           ment unmodified.


su(1), stat(2), login_cap(3), passwd(5), sudo.conf(5), sudo_plugin(5), sudoers(5), sudoers_timestamp(5), sudoreplay(8), visudo(8)


See the HISTORY file in the sudo distribution ( for a brief history of sudo.


Many people have worked on sudo over the years; this version consists of code written primarily by:

Todd C. Miller

     See the CONTRIBUTORS file in the sudo distribution ( for an exhaustive list of people who have contributed to


     There is no easy way to prevent a user from gaining a root shell if that user is allowed to run arbitrary commands via sudo.  Also, many programs
     (such as editors) allow the user to run commands via shell escapes, thus avoiding sudo's checks.  However, on most systems it is possible to preâАР
     vent shell escapes with the sudoers(5) plugin's noexec functionality.

     It is not meaningful to run the cd command directly via sudo, e.g.,

           $ sudo cd /usr/local/protected

     since when the command exits the parent process (your shell) will still be the same.  Please see the EXAMPLES section for more information.

     Running shell scripts via sudo can expose the same kernel bugs that make set-user-ID shell scripts unsafe on some operating systems (if your OS has
     a /dev/fd/ directory, set-user-ID shell scripts are generally safe).


If you feel you have found a bug in sudo, please submit a bug report at


     Limited free support is available via the sudo-users mailing list, see to subscribe or search the


     sudo is provided âАЬAS ISâАЭ and any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitâАР
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Sudo 1.9.5p2                                                        September 1, 2020                                                       Sudo 1.9.5p2
Linux manpage

manpage strings

STRINGS(1) GNU Development Tools STRINGS(1)


strings – print the sequences of printable characters in files


       strings [-afovV] [-min-len]
               [-n min-len] [--bytes=min-len]
               [-t radix] [--radix=radix]
               [-e encoding] [--encoding=encoding]
               [-] [--all] [--print-file-name]
               [-T bfdname] [--target=bfdname]
               [-w] [--include-all-whitespace]
               [-s] [--output-separatorsep_string]
               [--help] [--version] file...


       For each file given, GNU strings prints the printable character sequences that are at least 4 characters long (or the number given with the
       options below) and are followed by an unprintable character.

       Depending upon how the strings program was configured it will default to either displaying all the printable sequences that it can find in each
       file, or only those sequences that are in loadable, initialized data sections.  If the file type is unrecognizable, or if strings is reading from
       stdin then it will always display all of the printable sequences that it can find.

       For backwards compatibility any file that occurs after a command-line option of just - will also be scanned in full, regardless of the presence
       of any -d option.

       strings is mainly useful for determining the contents of non-text files.


       -   Scan the whole file, regardless of what sections it contains or whether those sections are loaded or initialized.  Normally this is the
           default behaviour, but strings can be configured so that the -d is the default instead.

           The - option is position dependent and forces strings to perform full scans of any file that is mentioned after the - on the command line,
           even if the -d option has been specified.

           Only print strings from initialized, loaded data sections in the file.  This may reduce the amount of garbage in the output, but it also
           exposes the strings program to any security flaws that may be present in the BFD library used to scan and load sections.  Strings can be
           configured so that this option is the default behaviour.  In such cases the -a option can be used to avoid using the BFD library and instead
           just print all of the strings found in the file.

           Print the name of the file before each string.

           Print a summary of the program usage on the standard output and exit.

       -n min-len
           Print sequences of characters that are at least min-len characters long, instead of the default 4.

       -o  Like -t o.  Some other versions of strings have -o act like -t d instead.  Since we can not be compatible with both ways, we simply chose

       -t radix
           Print the offset within the file before each string.  The single character argument specifies the radix of the offset---o for octal, x for
           hexadecimal, or d for decimal.

       -e encoding
           Select the character encoding of the strings that are to be found.  Possible values for encoding are: s = single-7-bit-byte characters
           (ASCII, ISO 8859, etc., default), S = single-8-bit-byte characters, b = 16-bit bigendian, l = 16-bit littleendian, B = 32-bit bigendian, L =
           32-bit littleendian.  Useful for finding wide character strings. (l and b apply to, for example, Unicode UTF-16/UCS-2 encodings).

       -T bfdname
           Specify an object code format other than your system's default format.

           Print the program version number on the standard output and exit.

           By default tab and space characters are included in the strings that are displayed, but other whitespace characters, such a newlines and
           carriage returns, are not.  The -w option changes this so that all whitespace characters are considered to be part of a string.

           By default, output strings are delimited by a new-line. This option allows you to supply any string to be used as the output record
           separator.  Useful with --include-all-whitespace where strings may contain new-lines internally.

           Read command-line options from file.  The options read are inserted in place of the original @file option.  If file does not exist, or cannot
           be read, then the option will be treated literally, and not removed.

           Options in file are separated by whitespace.  A whitespace character may be included in an option by surrounding the entire option in either
           single or double quotes.  Any character (including a backslash) may be included by prefixing the character to be included with a backslash.
           The file may itself contain additional @file options; any such options will be processed recursively.


ar(1), nm(1), objdump(1), ranlib(1), readelf(1) and the Info entries for binutils.


Copyright (c) 1991-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

       Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or any
       later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, with no Front-Cover Texts, and with no Back-Cover Texts.  A
       copy of the license is included in the section entitled "GNU Free Documentation License".

binutils-2.35.2                                                        2021-02-20                                                             STRINGS(1)
Linux manpage

manpage ssh

SSH(1) BSD General Commands Manual SSH(1)


ssh âАФ OpenSSH remote login client


     ssh [-46AaCfGgKkMNnqsTtVvXxYy] [-B bind_interface] [-b bind_address] [-c cipher_spec] [-D [bind_address:]port] [-E log_file] [-e escape_char]
         [-F configfile] [-I pkcs11] [-i identity_file] [-J destination] [-L address] [-l login_name] [-m mac_spec] [-O ctl_cmd] [-o option] [-p port]
         [-Q query_option] [-R address] [-S ctl_path] [-W host:port] [-w local_tun[:remote_tun]] destination [command]


     ssh (SSH client) is a program for logging into a remote machine and for executing commands on a remote machine.  It is intended to provide secure
     encrypted communications between two untrusted hosts over an insecure network.  X11 connections, arbitrary TCP ports and UNIX-domain sockets can
     also be forwarded over the secure channel.

     ssh connects and logs into the specified destination, which may be specified as either [user@]hostname or a URI of the form
     ssh://[user@]hostname[:port].  The user must prove his/her identity to the remote machine using one of several methods (see below).

     If a command is specified, it is executed on the remote host instead of a login shell.

     The options are as follows:

     -4      Forces ssh to use IPv4 addresses only.

     -6      Forces ssh to use IPv6 addresses only.

     -A      Enables forwarding of connections from an authentication agent such as ssh-agent(1).  This can also be specified on a per-host basis in a
             configuration file.

             Agent forwarding should be enabled with caution.  Users with the ability to bypass file permissions on the remote host (for the agent's
             UNIX-domain socket) can access the local agent through the forwarded connection.  An attacker cannot obtain key material from the agent,
             however they can perform operations on the keys that enable them to authenticate using the identities loaded into the agent.  A safer alâАР
             ternative may be to use a jump host (see -J).

     -a      Disables forwarding of the authentication agent connection.

     -B bind_interface
             Bind to the address of bind_interface before attempting to connect to the destination host.  This is only useful on systems with more than
             one address.

     -b bind_address
             Use bind_address on the local machine as the source address of the connection.  Only useful on systems with more than one address.

     -C      Requests compression of all data (including stdin, stdout, stderr, and data for forwarded X11, TCP and UNIX-domain connections).  The comâАР
             pression algorithm is the same used by gzip(1).  Compression is desirable on modem lines and other slow connections, but will only slow
             down things on fast networks.  The default value can be set on a host-by-host basis in the configuration files; see the Compression option.

     -c cipher_spec
             Selects the cipher specification for encrypting the session.  cipher_spec is a comma-separated list of ciphers listed in order of preferâАР
             ence.  See the Ciphers keyword in ssh_config(5) for more information.

     -D [bind_address:]port
             Specifies a local âАЬdynamicâАЭ application-level port forwarding.  This works by allocating a socket to listen to port on the local side, opâАР
             tionally bound to the specified bind_address.  Whenever a connection is made to this port, the connection is forwarded over the secure
             channel, and the application protocol is then used to determine where to connect to from the remote machine.  Currently the SOCKS4 and
             SOCKS5 protocols are supported, and ssh will act as a SOCKS server.  Only root can forward privileged ports.  Dynamic port forwardings can
             also be specified in the configuration file.

             IPv6 addresses can be specified by enclosing the address in square brackets.  Only the superuser can forward privileged ports.  By default,
             the local port is bound in accordance with the GatewayPorts setting.  However, an explicit bind_address may be used to bind the connection
             to a specific address.  The bind_address of âАЬlocalhostâАЭ indicates that the listening port be bound for local use only, while an empty adâАР
             dress or âА~*âАTM indicates that the port should be available from all interfaces.

     -E log_file
             Append debug logs to log_file instead of standard error.

     -e escape_char
             Sets the escape character for sessions with a pty (default: âА~~âАTM).  The escape character is only recognized at the beginning of a line.  The
             escape character followed by a dot (âА~.âАTM) closes the connection; followed by control-Z suspends the connection; and followed by itself sends
             the escape character once.  Setting the character to âАЬnoneâАЭ disables any escapes and makes the session fully transparent.

     -F configfile
             Specifies an alternative per-user configuration file.  If a configuration file is given on the command line, the system-wide configuration
             file (/etc/ssh/ssh_config) will be ignored.  The default for the per-user configuration file is ~/.ssh/config.  If set to âАЬnoneâАЭ, no conâАР
             figuration files will be read.

     -f      Requests ssh to go to background just before command execution.  This is useful if ssh is going to ask for passwords or passphrases, but
             the user wants it in the background.  This implies -n.  The recommended way to start X11 programs at a remote site is with something like
             ssh -f host xterm.

             If the ExitOnForwardFailure configuration option is set to âАЬyesâАЭ, then a client started with -f will wait for all remote port forwards to
             be successfully established before placing itself in the background.

     -G      Causes ssh to print its configuration after evaluating Host and Match blocks and exit.

     -g      Allows remote hosts to connect to local forwarded ports.  If used on a multiplexed connection, then this option must be specified on the
             master process.

     -I pkcs11
             Specify the PKCS#11 shared library ssh should use to communicate with a PKCS#11 token providing keys for user authentication.

     -i identity_file
             Selects a file from which the identity (private key) for public key authentication is read.  The default is ~/.ssh/id_dsa, ~/.ssh/id_ecdsa,
             ~/.ssh/id_ecdsa_sk, ~/.ssh/id_ed25519, ~/.ssh/id_ed25519_sk and ~/.ssh/id_rsa.  Identity files may also be specified on a per-host basis in
             the configuration file.  It is possible to have multiple -i options (and multiple identities specified in configuration files).  If no cerâАР
             tificates have been explicitly specified by the CertificateFile directive, ssh will also try to load certificate information from the fileâАР
             name obtained by appending to identity filenames.

     -J destination
             Connect to the target host by first making a ssh connection to the jump host described by destination and then establishing a TCP forwardâАР
             ing to the ultimate destination from there.  Multiple jump hops may be specified separated by comma characters.  This is a shortcut to
             specify a ProxyJump configuration directive.  Note that configuration directives supplied on the command-line generally apply to the destiâАР
             nation host and not any specified jump hosts.  Use ~/.ssh/config to specify configuration for jump hosts.

     -K      Enables GSSAPI-based authentication and forwarding (delegation) of GSSAPI credentials to the server.

     -k      Disables forwarding (delegation) of GSSAPI credentials to the server.

     -L [bind_address:]port:host:hostport
     -L [bind_address:]port:remote_socket
     -L local_socket:host:hostport
     -L local_socket:remote_socket
             Specifies that connections to the given TCP port or Unix socket on the local (client) host are to be forwarded to the given host and port,
             or Unix socket, on the remote side.  This works by allocating a socket to listen to either a TCP port on the local side, optionally bound
             to the specified bind_address, or to a Unix socket.  Whenever a connection is made to the local port or socket, the connection is forwarded
             over the secure channel, and a connection is made to either host port hostport, or the Unix socket remote_socket, from the remote machine.

             Port forwardings can also be specified in the configuration file.  Only the superuser can forward privileged ports.  IPv6 addresses can be
             specified by enclosing the address in square brackets.

             By default, the local port is bound in accordance with the GatewayPorts setting.  However, an explicit bind_address may be used to bind the
             connection to a specific address.  The bind_address of âАЬlocalhostâАЭ indicates that the listening port be bound for local use only, while an
             empty address or âА~*âАTM indicates that the port should be available from all interfaces.

     -l login_name
             Specifies the user to log in as on the remote machine.  This also may be specified on a per-host basis in the configuration file.

     -M      Places the ssh client into âАЬmasterâАЭ mode for connection sharing.  Multiple -M options places ssh into âАЬmasterâАЭ mode but with confirmation
             required using ssh-askpass(1) before each operation that changes the multiplexing state (e.g. opening a new session).  Refer to the deâАР
             scription of ControlMaster in ssh_config(5) for details.

     -m mac_spec
             A comma-separated list of MAC (message authentication code) algorithms, specified in order of preference.  See the MACs keyword for more

     -N      Do not execute a remote command.  This is useful for just forwarding ports.

     -n      Redirects stdin from /dev/null (actually, prevents reading from stdin).  This must be used when ssh is run in the background.  A common
             trick is to use this to run X11 programs on a remote machine.  For example, ssh -n emacs & will start an emacs on shadâАР
   , and the X11 connection will be automatically forwarded over an encrypted channel.  The ssh program will be put in the backâАР
             ground.  (This does not work if ssh needs to ask for a password or passphrase; see also the -f option.)

     -O ctl_cmd
             Control an active connection multiplexing master process.  When the -O option is specified, the ctl_cmd argument is interpreted and passed
             to the master process.  Valid commands are: âАЬcheckâАЭ (check that the master process is running), âАЬforwardâАЭ (request forwardings without comâАР
             mand execution), âАЬcancelâАЭ (cancel forwardings), âАЬexitâАЭ (request the master to exit), and âАЬstopâАЭ (request the master to stop accepting furâАР
             ther multiplexing requests).

     -o option
             Can be used to give options in the format used in the configuration file.  This is useful for specifying options for which there is no sepâАР
             arate command-line flag.  For full details of the options listed below, and their possible values, see ssh_config(5).


     -p port
             Port to connect to on the remote host.  This can be specified on a per-host basis in the configuration file.

     -Q query_option
             Queries ssh for the algorithms supported for the specified version 2.  The available features are: cipher (supported symmetric ciphers),
             cipher-auth (supported symmetric ciphers that support authenticated encryption), help (supported query terms for use with the -Q flag), mac
             (supported message integrity codes), kex (key exchange algorithms), kex-gss (GSSAPI key exchange algorithms), key (key types), key-cert
             (certificate key types), key-plain (non-certificate key types), key-sig (all key types and signature algorithms), protocol-version (supâАР
             ported SSH protocol versions), and sig (supported signature algorithms).  Alternatively, any keyword from ssh_config(5) or sshd_config(5)
             that takes an algorithm list may be used as an alias for the corresponding query_option.

     -q      Quiet mode.  Causes most warning and diagnostic messages to be suppressed.

     -R [bind_address:]port:host:hostport
     -R [bind_address:]port:local_socket
     -R remote_socket:host:hostport
     -R remote_socket:local_socket
     -R [bind_address:]port
             Specifies that connections to the given TCP port or Unix socket on the remote (server) host are to be forwarded to the local side.

             This works by allocating a socket to listen to either a TCP port or to a Unix socket on the remote side.  Whenever a connection is made to
             this port or Unix socket, the connection is forwarded over the secure channel, and a connection is made from the local machine to either an
             explicit destination specified by host port hostport, or local_socket, or, if no explicit destination was specified, ssh will act as a
             SOCKS 4/5 proxy and forward connections to the destinations requested by the remote SOCKS client.

             Port forwardings can also be specified in the configuration file.  Privileged ports can be forwarded only when logging in as root on the
             remote machine.  IPv6 addresses can be specified by enclosing the address in square brackets.

             By default, TCP listening sockets on the server will be bound to the loopback interface only.  This may be overridden by specifying a
             bind_address.  An empty bind_address, or the address âА~*âАTM, indicates that the remote socket should listen on all interfaces.  Specifying a
             remote bind_address will only succeed if the server's GatewayPorts option is enabled (see sshd_config(5)).

             If the port argument is âА~0âАTM, the listen port will be dynamically allocated on the server and reported to the client at run time.  When used
             together with -O forward the allocated port will be printed to the standard output.

     -S ctl_path
             Specifies the location of a control socket for connection sharing, or the string âАЬnoneâАЭ to disable connection sharing.  Refer to the deâАР
             scription of ControlPath and ControlMaster in ssh_config(5) for details.

     -s      May be used to request invocation of a subsystem on the remote system.  Subsystems facilitate the use of SSH as a secure transport for
             other applications (e.g. sftp(1)).  The subsystem is specified as the remote command.

     -T      Disable pseudo-terminal allocation.

     -t      Force pseudo-terminal allocation.  This can be used to execute arbitrary screen-based programs on a remote machine, which can be very useâАР
             ful, e.g. when implementing menu services.  Multiple -t options force tty allocation, even if ssh has no local tty.

     -V      Display the version number and exit.

     -v      Verbose mode.  Causes ssh to print debugging messages about its progress.  This is helpful in debugging connection, authentication, and
             configuration problems.  Multiple -v options increase the verbosity.  The maximum is 3.

     -W host:port
             Requests that standard input and output on the client be forwarded to host on port over the secure channel.  Implies -N, -T,
             ExitOnForwardFailure and ClearAllForwardings, though these can be overridden in the configuration file or using -o command line options.

     -w local_tun[:remote_tun]
             Requests tunnel device forwarding with the specified tun(4) devices between the client (local_tun) and the server (remote_tun).

             The devices may be specified by numerical ID or the keyword âАЬanyâАЭ, which uses the next available tunnel device.  If remote_tun is not specâАР
             ified, it defaults to âАЬanyâАЭ.  See also the Tunnel and TunnelDevice directives in ssh_config(5).

             If the Tunnel directive is unset, it will be set to the default tunnel mode, which is âАЬpoint-to-pointâАЭ.  If a different Tunnel forwarding
             mode it desired, then it should be specified before -w.

     -X      Enables X11 forwarding.  This can also be specified on a per-host basis in a configuration file.

             X11 forwarding should be enabled with caution.  Users with the ability to bypass file permissions on the remote host (for the user's X auâАР
             thorization database) can access the local X11 display through the forwarded connection.  An attacker may then be able to perform activiâАР
             ties such as keystroke monitoring.

             For this reason, X11 forwarding is subjected to X11 SECURITY extension restrictions by default.  Please refer to the ssh -Y option and the
             ForwardX11Trusted directive in ssh_config(5) for more information.

             (Debian-specific: X11 forwarding is not subjected to X11 SECURITY extension restrictions by default, because too many programs currently
             crash in this mode.  Set the ForwardX11Trusted option to âАЬnoâАЭ to restore the upstream behaviour.  This may change in future depending on
             client-side improvements.)

     -x      Disables X11 forwarding.

     -Y      Enables trusted X11 forwarding.  Trusted X11 forwardings are not subjected to the X11 SECURITY extension controls.

             (Debian-specific: In the default configuration, this option is equivalent to -X, since ForwardX11Trusted defaults to âАЬyesâАЭ as described
             above.  Set the ForwardX11Trusted option to âАЬnoâАЭ to restore the upstream behaviour.  This may change in future depending on client-side imâАР

     -y      Send log information using the syslog(3) system module.  By default this information is sent to stderr.

     ssh may additionally obtain configuration data from a per-user configuration file and a system-wide configuration file.  The file format and conâАР
     figuration options are described in ssh_config(5).


The OpenSSH SSH client supports SSH protocol 2.

     The methods available for authentication are: GSSAPI-based authentication, host-based authentication, public key authentication, challenge-response
     authentication, and password authentication.  Authentication methods are tried in the order specified above, though PreferredAuthentications can be
     used to change the default order.

     Host-based authentication works as follows: If the machine the user logs in from is listed in /etc/hosts.equiv or /etc/ssh/shosts.equiv on the reâАР
     mote machine, the user is non-root and the user names are the same on both sides, or if the files ~/.rhosts or ~/.shosts exist in the user's home
     directory on the remote machine and contain a line containing the name of the client machine and the name of the user on that machine, the user is
     considered for login.  Additionally, the server must be able to verify the client's host key (see the description of /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts and
     ~/.ssh/known_hosts, below) for login to be permitted.  This authentication method closes security holes due to IP spoofing, DNS spoofing, and routâАР
     ing spoofing.  [Note to the administrator: /etc/hosts.equiv, ~/.rhosts, and the rlogin/rsh protocol in general, are inherently insecure and should
     be disabled if security is desired.]

     Public key authentication works as follows: The scheme is based on public-key cryptography, using cryptosystems where encryption and decryption are
     done using separate keys, and it is unfeasible to derive the decryption key from the encryption key.  The idea is that each user creates a pubâАР
     lic/private key pair for authentication purposes.  The server knows the public key, and only the user knows the private key.  ssh implements public
     key authentication protocol automatically, using one of the DSA, ECDSA, Ed25519 or RSA algorithms.  The HISTORY section of ssl(8) (on non-OpenBSD
     systems, see contains a brief discussion of the DSA and RSA algorithms.

     The file ~/.ssh/authorized_keys lists the public keys that are permitted for logging in.  When the user logs in, the ssh program tells the server
     which key pair it would like to use for authentication.  The client proves that it has access to the private key and the server checks that the
     corresponding public key is authorized to accept the account.

     The server may inform the client of errors that prevented public key authentication from succeeding after authentication completes using a differâАР
     ent method.  These may be viewed by increasing the LogLevel to DEBUG or higher (e.g. by using the -v flag).

     The user creates his/her key pair by running ssh-keygen(1).  This stores the private key in ~/.ssh/id_dsa (DSA), ~/.ssh/id_ecdsa (ECDSA),
     ~/.ssh/id_ecdsa_sk (authenticator-hosted ECDSA), ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 (Ed25519), ~/.ssh/id_ed25519_sk (authenticator-hosted Ed25519), or ~/.ssh/id_rsa
     (RSA) and stores the public key in ~/.ssh/ (DSA), ~/.ssh/ (ECDSA), ~/.ssh/ (authenticator-hosted ECDSA),
     ~/.ssh/ (Ed25519), ~/.ssh/ (authenticator-hosted Ed25519), or ~/.ssh/ (RSA) in the user's home directory.
     The user should then copy the public key to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys in his/her home directory on the remote machine.  The authorized_keys file corâАР
     responds to the conventional ~/.rhosts file, and has one key per line, though the lines can be very long.  After this, the user can log in without
     giving the password.

     A variation on public key authentication is available in the form of certificate authentication: instead of a set of public/private keys, signed
     certificates are used.  This has the advantage that a single trusted certification authority can be used in place of many public/private keys.  See
     the CERTIFICATES section of ssh-keygen(1) for more information.

     The most convenient way to use public key or certificate authentication may be with an authentication agent.  See ssh-agent(1) and (optionally) the
     AddKeysToAgent directive in ssh_config(5) for more information.

     Challenge-response authentication works as follows: The server sends an arbitrary "challenge" text, and prompts for a response.  Examples of chalâАР
     lenge-response authentication include BSD Authentication (see login.conf(5)) and PAM (some non-OpenBSD systems).

     Finally, if other authentication methods fail, ssh prompts the user for a password.  The password is sent to the remote host for checking; however,
     since all communications are encrypted, the password cannot be seen by someone listening on the network.

     ssh automatically maintains and checks a database containing identification for all hosts it has ever been used with.  Host keys are stored in
     ~/.ssh/known_hosts in the user's home directory.  Additionally, the file /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts is automatically checked for known hosts.  Any
     new hosts are automatically added to the user's file.  If a host's identification ever changes, ssh warns about this and disables password authenâАР
     tication to prevent server spoofing or man-in-the-middle attacks, which could otherwise be used to circumvent the encryption.  The
     StrictHostKeyChecking option can be used to control logins to machines whose host key is not known or has changed.

     When the user's identity has been accepted by the server, the server either executes the given command in a non-interactive session or, if no comâАР
     mand has been specified, logs into the machine and gives the user a normal shell as an interactive session.  All communication with the remote comâАР
     mand or shell will be automatically encrypted.

     If an interactive session is requested ssh by default will only request a pseudo-terminal (pty) for interactive sessions when the client has one.
     The flags -T and -t can be used to override this behaviour.

     If a pseudo-terminal has been allocated the user may use the escape characters noted below.

     If no pseudo-terminal has been allocated, the session is transparent and can be used to reliably transfer binary data.  On most systems, setting
     the escape character to âАЬnoneâАЭ will also make the session transparent even if a tty is used.

     The session terminates when the command or shell on the remote machine exits and all X11 and TCP connections have been closed.


When a pseudo-terminal has been requested, ssh supports a number of functions through the use of an escape character.

     A single tilde character can be sent as ~~ or by following the tilde by a character other than those described below.  The escape character must
     always follow a newline to be interpreted as special.  The escape character can be changed in configuration files using the EscapeChar configuraâАР
     tion directive or on the command line by the -e option.

     The supported escapes (assuming the default âА~~âАTM) are:

     ~.      Disconnect.

     ~^Z     Background ssh.

     ~#      List forwarded connections.

     ~&      Background ssh at logout when waiting for forwarded connection / X11 sessions to terminate.

     ~?      Display a list of escape characters.

     ~B      Send a BREAK to the remote system (only useful if the peer supports it).

     ~C      Open command line.  Currently this allows the addition of port forwardings using the -L, -R and -D options (see above).  It also allows the
             cancellation of existing port-forwardings with -KL[bind_address:]port for local, -KR[bind_address:]port for remote and
             -KD[bind_address:]port for dynamic port-forwardings.  !command allows the user to execute a local command if the PermitLocalCommand option
             is enabled in ssh_config(5).  Basic help is available, using the -h option.

     ~R      Request rekeying of the connection (only useful if the peer supports it).

     ~V      Decrease the verbosity (LogLevel) when errors are being written to stderr.

     ~v      Increase the verbosity (LogLevel) when errors are being written to stderr.


     Forwarding of arbitrary TCP connections over a secure channel can be specified either on the command line or in a configuration file.  One possible
     application of TCP forwarding is a secure connection to a mail server; another is going through firewalls.

     In the example below, we look at encrypting communication for an IRC client, even though the IRC server it connects to does not directly support
     encrypted communication.  This works as follows: the user connects to the remote host using ssh, specifying the ports to be used to forward the
     connection.  After that it is possible to start the program locally, and ssh will encrypt and forward the connection to the remote server.

     The following example tunnels an IRC session from the client to an IRC server at âАЬserver.example.comâАЭ, joining channel âАЬ#usersâАЭ, nickname âАЬpinkyâАЭ,
     using the standard IRC port, 6667:

         $ ssh -f -L 6667:localhost:6667 sleep 10
         $ irc -c '#users' pinky IRC/

     The -f option backgrounds ssh and the remote command âАЬsleep 10âАЭ is specified to allow an amount of time (10 seconds, in the example) to start the
     program which is going to use the tunnel.  If no connections are made within the time specified, ssh will exit.


     If the ForwardX11 variable is set to âАЬyesâАЭ (or see the description of the -X, -x, and -Y options above) and the user is using X11 (the DISPLAY enâАР
     vironment variable is set), the connection to the X11 display is automatically forwarded to the remote side in such a way that any X11 programs
     started from the shell (or command) will go through the encrypted channel, and the connection to the real X server will be made from the local maâАР
     chine.  The user should not manually set DISPLAY.  Forwarding of X11 connections can be configured on the command line or in configuration files.

     The DISPLAY value set by ssh will point to the server machine, but with a display number greater than zero.  This is normal, and happens because
     ssh creates a âАЬproxyâАЭ X server on the server machine for forwarding the connections over the encrypted channel.

     ssh will also automatically set up Xauthority data on the server machine.  For this purpose, it will generate a random authorization cookie, store
     it in Xauthority on the server, and verify that any forwarded connections carry this cookie and replace it by the real cookie when the connection
     is opened.  The real authentication cookie is never sent to the server machine (and no cookies are sent in the plain).

     If the ForwardAgent variable is set to âАЬyesâАЭ (or see the description of the -A and -a options above) and the user is using an authentication agent,
     the connection to the agent is automatically forwarded to the remote side.


     When connecting to a server for the first time, a fingerprint of the server's public key is presented to the user (unless the option
     StrictHostKeyChecking has been disabled).  Fingerprints can be determined using ssh-keygen(1):

           $ ssh-keygen -l -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key

     If the fingerprint is already known, it can be matched and the key can be accepted or rejected.  If only legacy (MD5) fingerprints for the server
     are available, the ssh-keygen(1) -E option may be used to downgrade the fingerprint algorithm to match.

     Because of the difficulty of comparing host keys just by looking at fingerprint strings, there is also support to compare host keys visually, using
     random art.  By setting the VisualHostKey option to âАЬyesâАЭ, a small ASCII graphic gets displayed on every login to a server, no matter if the sesâАР
     sion itself is interactive or not.  By learning the pattern a known server produces, a user can easily find out that the host key has changed when
     a completely different pattern is displayed.  Because these patterns are not unambiguous however, a pattern that looks similar to the pattern reâАР
     membered only gives a good probability that the host key is the same, not guaranteed proof.

     To get a listing of the fingerprints along with their random art for all known hosts, the following command line can be used:

           $ ssh-keygen -lv -f ~/.ssh/known_hosts

     If the fingerprint is unknown, an alternative method of verification is available: SSH fingerprints verified by DNS.  An additional resource record
     (RR), SSHFP, is added to a zonefile and the connecting client is able to match the fingerprint with that of the key presented.

     In this example, we are connecting a client to a server, âАЬhost.example.comâАЭ.  The SSHFP resource records should first be added to the zonefile for

           $ ssh-keygen -r

     The output lines will have to be added to the zonefile.  To check that the zone is answering fingerprint queries:

           $ dig -t SSHFP

     Finally the client connects:

           $ ssh -o "VerifyHostKeyDNS ask"
           Matching host key fingerprint found in DNS.
           Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?

     See the VerifyHostKeyDNS option in ssh_config(5) for more information.


     ssh contains support for Virtual Private Network (VPN) tunnelling using the tun(4) network pseudo-device, allowing two networks to be joined seâАР
     curely.  The sshd_config(5) configuration option PermitTunnel controls whether the server supports this, and at what level (layer 2 or 3 traffic).

     The following example would connect client network with remote network using a point-to-point connection from to, provided that the SSH server running on the gateway to the remote network, at, allows it.

     On the client:

           # ssh -f -w 0:1 true
           # ifconfig tun0 netmask
           # route add

     On the server:

           # ifconfig tun1 netmask
           # route add

     Client access may be more finely tuned via the /root/.ssh/authorized_keys file (see below) and the PermitRootLogin server option.  The following
     entry would permit connections on tun(4) device 1 from user âАЬjaneâАЭ and on tun device 2 from user âАЬjohnâАЭ, if PermitRootLogin is set to

       tunnel="1",command="sh /etc/netstart tun1" ssh-rsa ... jane
       tunnel="2",command="sh /etc/netstart tun2" ssh-rsa ... john

     Since an SSH-based setup entails a fair amount of overhead, it may be more suited to temporary setups, such as for wireless VPNs.  More permanent
     VPNs are better provided by tools such as ipsecctl(8) and isakmpd(8).


ssh will normally set the following environment variables:

     DISPLAY               The DISPLAY variable indicates the location of the X11 server.  It is automatically set by ssh to point to a value of the
                           form âАЬhostname:nâАЭ, where âАЬhostnameâАЭ indicates the host where the shell runs, and âА~nâАTM is an integer âЙ¥ 1.  ssh uses this speâАР
                           cial value to forward X11 connections over the secure channel.  The user should normally not set DISPLAY explicitly, as that
                           will render the X11 connection insecure (and will require the user to manually copy any required authorization cookies).

     HOME                  Set to the path of the user's home directory.

     LOGNAME               Synonym for USER; set for compatibility with systems that use this variable.

     MAIL                  Set to the path of the user's mailbox.

     PATH                  Set to the default PATH, as specified when compiling ssh.

     SSH_ASKPASS           If ssh needs a passphrase, it will read the passphrase from the current terminal if it was run from a terminal.  If ssh does
                           not have a terminal associated with it but DISPLAY and SSH_ASKPASS are set, it will execute the program specified by
                           SSH_ASKPASS and open an X11 window to read the passphrase.  This is particularly useful when calling ssh from a .xsession or
                           related script.  (Note that on some machines it may be necessary to redirect the input from /dev/null to make this work.)

     SSH_ASKPASS_REQUIRE   Allows further control over the use of an askpass program.  If this variable is set to âАЬneverâАЭ then ssh will never attempt to
                           use one.  If it is set to âАЬpreferâАЭ, then ssh will prefer to use the askpass program instead of the TTY when requesting passâАР
                           words.  Finally, if the variable is set to âАЬforceâАЭ, then the askpass program will be used for all passphrase input regardless
                           of whether DISPLAY is set.

     SSH_AUTH_SOCK         Identifies the path of a UNIX-domain socket used to communicate with the agent.

     SSH_CONNECTION        Identifies the client and server ends of the connection.  The variable contains four space-separated values: client IP adâАР
                           dress, client port number, server IP address, and server port number.

     SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND  This variable contains the original command line if a forced command is executed.  It can be used to extract the original arâАР

     SSH_TTY               This is set to the name of the tty (path to the device) associated with the current shell or command.  If the current session
                           has no tty, this variable is not set.

     SSH_TUNNEL            Optionally set by sshd(8) to contain the interface names assigned if tunnel forwarding was requested by the client.

     SSH_USER_AUTH         Optionally set by sshd(8), this variable may contain a pathname to a file that lists the authentication methods successfully
                           used when the session was established, including any public keys that were used.

     TZ                    This variable is set to indicate the present time zone if it was set when the daemon was started (i.e. the daemon passes the
                           value on to new connections).

     USER                  Set to the name of the user logging in.

     Additionally, ssh reads ~/.ssh/environment, and adds lines of the format âАЬVARNAME=valueâАЭ to the environment if the file exists and users are alâАР
     lowed to change their environment.  For more information, see the PermitUserEnvironment option in sshd_config(5).


             This file is used for host-based authentication (see above).  On some machines this file may need to be world-readable if the user's home
             directory is on an NFS partition, because sshd(8) reads it as root.  Additionally, this file must be owned by the user, and must not have
             write permissions for anyone else.  The recommended permission for most machines is read/write for the user, and not accessible by others.

             This file is used in exactly the same way as .rhosts, but allows host-based authentication without permitting login with rlogin/rsh.

             This directory is the default location for all user-specific configuration and authentication information.  There is no general requirement
             to keep the entire contents of this directory secret, but the recommended permissions are read/write/execute for the user, and not accessiâАР
             ble by others.

             Lists the public keys (DSA, ECDSA, Ed25519, RSA) that can be used for logging in as this user.  The format of this file is described in the
             sshd(8) manual page.  This file is not highly sensitive, but the recommended permissions are read/write for the user, and not accessible by

             This is the per-user configuration file.  The file format and configuration options are described in ssh_config(5).  Because of the potenâАР
             tial for abuse, this file must have strict permissions: read/write for the user, and not writable by others.  It may be group-writable proâАР
             vided that the group in question contains only the user.

             Contains additional definitions for environment variables; see ENVIRONMENT, above.

             Contains the private key for authentication.  These files contain sensitive data and should be readable by the user but not accessible by
             others (read/write/execute).  ssh will simply ignore a private key file if it is accessible by others.  It is possible to specify a
             passphrase when generating the key which will be used to encrypt the sensitive part of this file using AES-128.

             Contains the public key for authentication.  These files are not sensitive and can (but need not) be readable by anyone.

             Contains a list of host keys for all hosts the user has logged into that are not already in the systemwide list of known host keys.  See
             sshd(8) for further details of the format of this file.

             Commands in this file are executed by ssh when the user logs in, just before the user's shell (or command) is started.  See the sshd(8)
             manual page for more information.

             This file is for host-based authentication (see above).  It should only be writable by root.

             This file is used in exactly the same way as hosts.equiv, but allows host-based authentication without permitting login with rlogin/rsh.

             Systemwide configuration file.  The file format and configuration options are described in ssh_config(5).

             These files contain the private parts of the host keys and are used for host-based authentication.

             Systemwide list of known host keys.  This file should be prepared by the system administrator to contain the public host keys of all maâАР
             chines in the organization.  It should be world-readable.  See sshd(8) for further details of the format of this file.

             Commands in this file are executed by ssh when the user logs in, just before the user's shell (or command) is started.  See the sshd(8)
             manual page for more information.


ssh exits with the exit status of the remote command or with 255 if an error occurred.


scp(1), sftp(1), ssh-add(1), ssh-agent(1), ssh-argv0(1), ssh-keygen(1), ssh-keyscan(1), tun(4), ssh_config(5), ssh-keysign(8), sshd(8)


S. Lehtinen and C. Lonvick, The Secure Shell (SSH) Protocol Assigned Numbers, RFC 4250, January 2006.

T. Ylonen and C. Lonvick, The Secure Shell (SSH) Protocol Architecture, RFC 4251, January 2006.

T. Ylonen and C. Lonvick, The Secure Shell (SSH) Authentication Protocol, RFC 4252, January 2006.

T. Ylonen and C. Lonvick, The Secure Shell (SSH) Transport Layer Protocol, RFC 4253, January 2006.

T. Ylonen and C. Lonvick, The Secure Shell (SSH) Connection Protocol, RFC 4254, January 2006.

J. Schlyter and W. Griffin, Using DNS to Securely Publish Secure Shell (SSH) Key Fingerprints, RFC 4255, January 2006.

F. Cusack and M. Forssen, Generic Message Exchange Authentication for the Secure Shell Protocol (SSH), RFC 4256, January 2006.

J. Galbraith and P. Remaker, The Secure Shell (SSH) Session Channel Break Extension, RFC 4335, January 2006.

M. Bellare, T. Kohno, and C. Namprempre, The Secure Shell (SSH) Transport Layer Encryption Modes, RFC 4344, January 2006.

B. Harris, Improved Arcfour Modes for the Secure Shell (SSH) Transport Layer Protocol, RFC 4345, January 2006.

M. Friedl, N. Provos, and W. Simpson, Diffie-Hellman Group Exchange for the Secure Shell (SSH) Transport Layer Protocol, RFC 4419, March 2006.

J. Galbraith and R. Thayer, The Secure Shell (SSH) Public Key File Format, RFC 4716, November 2006.

D. Stebila and J. Green, Elliptic Curve Algorithm Integration in the Secure Shell Transport Layer, RFC 5656, December 2009.

  1. Perrig and D. Song, Hash Visualization: a New Technique to improve Real-World Security, 1999, International Workshop on Cryptographic Techniques and E-Commerce (CrypTEC ’99).


     OpenSSH is a derivative of the original and free ssh 1.2.12 release by Tatu Ylonen.  Aaron Campbell, Bob Beck, Markus Friedl, Niels Provos, Theo de
     Raadt and Dug Song removed many bugs, re-added newer features and created OpenSSH.  Markus Friedl contributed the support for SSH protocol versions
     1.5 and 2.0.

BSD                                                                   July 15, 2020                                                                  BSD
Linux manpage

manpage sort

SORT(1) User Commands SORT(1)


sort – sort lines of text files


       sort [OPTION]... [FILE]...
       sort [OPTION]... --files0-from=F


Write sorted concatenation of all FILE(s) to standard output.

With no FILE, or when FILE is -, read standard input.

Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too. Ordering options:

       -b, --ignore-leading-blanks
              ignore leading blanks

       -d, --dictionary-order
              consider only blanks and alphanumeric characters

       -f, --ignore-case
              fold lower case to upper case characters

       -g, --general-numeric-sort
              compare according to general numerical value

       -i, --ignore-nonprinting
              consider only printable characters

       -M, --month-sort
              compare (unknown) < 'JAN' < ... < 'DEC'

       -h, --human-numeric-sort
              compare human readable numbers (e.g., 2K 1G)

       -n, --numeric-sort
              compare according to string numerical value

       -R, --random-sort
              shuffle, but group identical keys.  See shuf(1)

              get random bytes from FILE

       -r, --reverse
              reverse the result of comparisons

              sort according to WORD: general-numeric -g, human-numeric -h, month -M, numeric -n, random -R, version -V

       -V, --version-sort
              natural sort of (version) numbers within text

       Other options:

              merge at most NMERGE inputs at once; for more use temp files

       -c, --check, --check=diagnose-first
              check for sorted input; do not sort

       -C, --check=quiet, --check=silent
              like -c, but do not report first bad line

              compress temporaries with PROG; decompress them with PROG -d

              annotate the part of the line used to sort, and warn about questionable usage to stderr

              read input from the files specified by NUL-terminated names in file F; If F is - then read names from standard input

       -k, --key=KEYDEF
              sort via a key; KEYDEF gives location and type

       -m, --merge
              merge already sorted files; do not sort

       -o, --output=FILE
              write result to FILE instead of standard output

       -s, --stable
              stabilize sort by disabling last-resort comparison

       -S, --buffer-size=SIZE
              use SIZE for main memory buffer

       -t, --field-separator=SEP
              use SEP instead of non-blank to blank transition

       -T, --temporary-directory=DIR
              use DIR for temporaries, not $TMPDIR or /tmp; multiple options specify multiple directories

              change the number of sorts run concurrently to N

       -u, --unique
              with -c, check for strict ordering; without -c, output only the first of an equal run

       -z, --zero-terminated
              line delimiter is NUL, not newline

       --help display this help and exit

              output version information and exit

       KEYDEF  is F[.C][OPTS][,F[.C][OPTS]] for start and stop position, where F is a field number and C a character position in the field; both are origin 1, and the stop position defaults to the line's end.  If neither -t nor -b is in effect, characters in a field are counted from the beginning of the preâАР
       ceding whitespace.  OPTS is one or more single-letter ordering options [bdfgiMhnRrV], which override global ordering options for that key.  If no key is given, use the entire line as the key.  Use --debug to diagnose incorrect key usage.

       SIZE may be followed by the following multiplicative suffixes: % 1% of memory, b 1, K 1024 (default), and so on for M, G, T, P, E, Z, Y.

       *** WARNING *** The locale specified by the environment affects sort order.  Set LC_ALL=C to get the traditional sort order that uses native byte values.


Written by Mike Haertel and Paul Eggert.


       GNU coreutils online help: <>
       Report any translation bugs to <>


       Copyright © 2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.  License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>.
       This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.  There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.


shuf(1), uniq(1)

       Full documentation <>
       or available locally via: info '(coreutils) sort invocation'

GNU coreutils 8.32                                                                                                                                  September 2020                                                                                                                                            SORT(1)
Linux manpage

manpage sed


SED(1) User Commands SED(1)


sed – stream editor for filtering and transforming text


sed [OPTION]… {script-only-if-no-other-script} [input-file]…


       Sed is a stream editor.  A stream editor is used to perform basic text transformations on an input stream (a file or input from a pipeline).  While in some ways similar to an editor which permits scripted edits (such as ed), sed works by making only one pass over the input(s), and is consequently more
       efficient.  But it is sed's ability to filter text in a pipeline which particularly distinguishes it from other types of editors.

       -n, --quiet, --silent

              suppress automatic printing of pattern space


              annotate program execution

       -e script, --expression=script

              add the script to the commands to be executed

       -f script-file, --file=script-file

              add the contents of script-file to the commands to be executed


              follow symlinks when processing in place

       -i[SUFFIX], --in-place[=SUFFIX]

              edit files in place (makes backup if SUFFIX supplied)

       -l N, --line-length=N

              specify the desired line-wrap length for the `l' command


              disable all GNU extensions.

       -E, -r, --regexp-extended

              use extended regular expressions in the script (for portability use POSIX -E).

       -s, --separate

              consider files as separate rather than as a single, continuous long stream.


              operate in sandbox mode (disable e/r/w commands).

       -u, --unbuffered

              load minimal amounts of data from the input files and flush the output buffers more often

       -z, --null-data

              separate lines by NUL characters

              display this help and exit

              output version information and exit

       If no -e, --expression, -f, or --file option is given, then the first non-option argument is taken as the sed script to interpret.  All remaining arguments are names of input files; if no input files are specified, then the standard input is read.

       GNU sed home page: <>.  General help using GNU software: <>.  E-mail bug reports to: <>.


This is just a brief synopsis of sed commands to serve as a reminder to those who already know sed; other documentation (such as the texinfo document) must be consulted for fuller descriptions.

Zero-address “commands”

       : label
              Label for b and t commands.

              The comment extends until the next newline (or the end of a -e script fragment).

       }      The closing bracket of a { } block.

Zero- or One- address commands

  • Print the current line number.

a \

text Append text, which has each embedded newline preceded by a backslash.

i \

text Insert text, which has each embedded newline preceded by a backslash.

       q [exit-code]
              Immediately quit the sed script without processing any more input, except that if auto-print is not disabled the current pattern space will be printed.  The exit code argument is a GNU extension.

       Q [exit-code]
              Immediately quit the sed script without processing any more input.  This is a GNU extension.

       r filename
              Append text read from filename.

       R filename
              Append a line read from filename.  Each invocation of the command reads a line from the file.  This is a GNU extension.

Commands which accept address ranges

{ Begin a block of commands (end with a }).

       b label
              Branch to label; if label is omitted, branch to end of script.

       c \

       text   Replace the selected lines with text, which has each embedded newline preceded by a backslash.

       d      Delete pattern space.  Start next cycle.

       D      If pattern space contains no newline, start a normal new cycle as if the d command was issued.  Otherwise, delete text in the pattern space up to the first newline, and restart cycle with the resultant pattern space, without reading a new line of input.

       h H    Copy/append pattern space to hold space.

       g G    Copy/append hold space to pattern space.

       l      List out the current line in a ``visually unambiguous'' form.

       l width
              List out the current line in a ``visually unambiguous'' form, breaking it at width characters.  This is a GNU extension.

       n N    Read/append the next line of input into the pattern space.

       p      Print the current pattern space.

       P      Print up to the first embedded newline of the current pattern space.

              Attempt to match regexp against the pattern space.  If successful, replace that portion matched with replacement.  The replacement may contain the special character & to refer to that portion of the pattern space which matched, and the special escapes \1 through \9 to refer to the corresponding
              matching sub-expressions in the regexp.

       t label
              If a s/// has done a successful substitution since the last input line was read and since the last t or T command, then branch to label; if label is omitted, branch to end of script.

       T label
              If no s/// has done a successful substitution since the last input line was read and since the last t or T command, then branch to label; if label is omitted, branch to end of script.  This is a GNU extension.

       w filename
              Write the current pattern space to filename.

       W filename
              Write the first line of the current pattern space to filename.  This is a GNU extension.

       x      Exchange the contents of the hold and pattern spaces.

              Transliterate the characters in the pattern space which appear in source to the corresponding character in dest.


       Sed commands can be given with no addresses, in which case the command will be executed for all input lines; with one address, in which case the command will only be executed for input lines which match that address; or with two addresses, in which case the command will be executed for all input lines
       which match the inclusive range of lines starting from the first address and continuing to the second address.  Three things to note about address ranges: the syntax is addr1,addr2 (i.e., the addresses are separated by a comma); the line which addr1 matched will always be accepted, even if  addr2  seâАР
       lects an earlier line; and if addr2 is a regexp, it will not be tested against the line that addr1 matched.

       After the address (or address-range), and before the command, a !  may be inserted, which specifies that the command shall only be executed if the address (or address-range) does not match.

       The following address types are supported:

       number Match only the specified line number (which increments cumulatively across files, unless the -s option is specified on the command line).

              Match  every  step'th  line  starting  with line first.  For example, ``sed -n 1~2p'' will print all the odd-numbered lines in the input stream, and the address 2~5 will match every fifth line, starting with the second.  first can be zero; in this case, sed operates as if it were equal to step.
              (This is an extension.)

       $      Match the last line.

              Match lines matching the regular expression regexp.  Matching is performed on the current pattern space, which can be modified with commands such as ``s///''.

              Match lines matching the regular expression regexp.  The c may be any character.

       GNU sed also supports some special 2-address forms:

              Start out in "matched first address" state, until addr2 is found.  This is similar to 1,addr2, except that if addr2 matches the very first line of input the 0,addr2 form will be at the end of its range, whereas the 1,addr2 form will still be at the beginning of its range.  This works only  when
              addr2 is a regular expression.

              Will match addr1 and the N lines following addr1.

              Will match addr1 and the lines following addr1 until the next line whose input line number is a multiple of N.


       POSIX.2  BREs  should be supported, but they aren't completely because of performance problems.  The \n sequence in a regular expression matches the newline character, and similarly for \a, \t, and other sequences.  The -E option switches to using extended regular expressions instead; it has been supâАР
       ported for years by GNU sed, and is now included in POSIX.


E-mail bug reports to Also, please include the output of “sed –version” in the body of your report if at all possible.


Written by Jay Fenlason, Tom Lord, Ken Pizzini, Paolo Bonzini, Jim Meyering, and Assaf Gordon. GNU sed home page: <>. General help using GNU software: <>. E-mail bug reports to: <>.


       Copyright © 2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc.  License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>.
       This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.  There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.


awk(1), ed(1), grep(1), tr(1), perlre(1),, any of various books on sed, the sed FAQ (,

The full documentation for sed is maintained as a Texinfo manual. If the info and sed programs are properly installed at your site, the command

info sed

should give you access to the complete manual.

sed 4.7 December 2018 SED(1)

Linux manpage

manpage tar

TAR(1) GNU TAR Manual TAR(1)


tar – an archiving utility


Traditional usage

tar {A|c|d|r|t|u|x}[GnSkUWOmpsMBiajJzZhPlRvwo] [ARG…]

UNIX-style usage


tar -c [-f ARCHIVE] [OPTIONS] [FILE…]

tar -d [-f ARCHIVE] [OPTIONS] [FILE…]


tar -r [-f ARCHIVE] [OPTIONS] [FILE…]

tar -u [-f ARCHIVE] [OPTIONS] [FILE…]


GNU-style usage

tar {–catenate|–concatenate} [OPTIONS] ARCHIVE ARCHIVE

tar –create [–file ARCHIVE] [OPTIONS] [FILE…]

tar {–diff|–compare} [–file ARCHIVE] [OPTIONS] [FILE…]

tar –delete [–file ARCHIVE] [OPTIONS] [MEMBER…]

tar –append [-f ARCHIVE] [OPTIONS] [FILE…]

tar –list [-f ARCHIVE] [OPTIONS] [MEMBER…]

tar –test-label [–file ARCHIVE] [OPTIONS] [LABEL…]

tar –update [–file ARCHIVE] [OPTIONS] [FILE…]

tar –update [-f ARCHIVE] [OPTIONS] [FILE…]

tar {–extract|–get} [-f ARCHIVE] [OPTIONS] [MEMBER…]


       This  manpage  is  a short description of GNU tar.  For a detailed discussion, including examples and usage recommendations, refer to the GNU Tar
       Manual available in texinfo format.  If the info reader and the tar documentation are properly installed on your system, the command

           info tar

       should give you access to the complete manual.

       You can also view the manual using the info mode in emacs(1), or find it in various formats online at


       If any discrepancies occur between this manpage and the GNU Tar Manual, the later shall be considered the authoritative source.


       GNU tar is an archiving program designed to store multiple files in a single file (an archive), and to manipulate such archives.  The archive can
       be either a regular file or a device (e.g. a tape drive, hence the name of the program, which stands for tape archiver), which can be located eiâАР
       ther on the local or on a remote machine.

Option styles

       Options to GNU tar can be given in three different styles.  In traditional style, the first argument is a cluster of option letters and all  subâАР
       sequent arguments supply arguments to those options that require them.  The arguments are read in the same order as the option letters.  Any comâАР
       mand line words that remain after all options has been processed are treated as non-optional arguments: file or archive member names.

       For example, the c option requires creating the archive, the v option requests the verbose operation, and the f option  takes  an  argument  that
       sets the name of the archive to operate upon.  The following command, written in the traditional style, instructs tar to store all files from the
       directory /etc into the archive file etc.tar verbosely listing the files being archived:

       tar cfv etc.tar /etc

       In UNIX or short-option style, each option letter is prefixed with a single dash, as in other command line utilities.  If an option  takes  arguâАР
       ment,  the argument follows it, either as a separate command line word, or immediately following the option.  However, if the option takes an opâАР
       tional argument, the argument must follow the option letter without any intervening whitespace, as in -g/tmp/snar.db.

       Any number of options not taking arguments can be clustered together after a single dash, e.g. -vkp.  Options that take arguments (whether mandaâАР
       tory or optional), can appear at the end of such a cluster, e.g. -vkpf a.tar.

       The example command above written in the short-option style could look like:

       tar -cvf etc.tar /etc
       tar -c -v -f etc.tar /etc

       In  GNU  or  long-option  style, each option begins with two dashes and has a meaningful name, consisting of lower-case letters and dashes.  When
       used, the long option can be abbreviated to its initial letters, provided that this does not create ambiguity.  Arguments  to  long  options  are
       supplied  either as a separate command line word, immediately following the option, or separated from the option by an equals sign with no interâАР
       vening whitespace.  Optional arguments must always use the latter method.

       Here are several ways of writing the example command in this style:

       tar --create --file etc.tar --verbose /etc
       or (abbreviating some options):
       tar --cre --file=etc.tar --verb /etc

       The options in all three styles can be intermixed, although doing so with old options is not encouraged.

Operation mode

       The options listed in the table below tell GNU tar what operation it is to perform.  Exactly one of them must be given.  Meaning of  non-optional
       arguments depends on the operation mode requested.

       -A, --catenate, --concatenate
              Append  archive to the end of another archive.  The arguments are treated as the names of archives to append.  All archives must be of the
              same format as the archive they are appended to, otherwise the resulting archive might be unusable with non-GNU  implementations  of  tar.
              Notice also that when more than one archive is given, the members from archives other than the first one will be accessible in the resultâАР
              ing archive only if using the -i (--ignore-zeros) option.

              Compressed archives cannot be concatenated.

       -c, --create
              Create a new archive.  Arguments supply the names of the files to be archived.  Directories are archived recursively, unless the  --no-reâАР
              cursion option is given.

       -d, --diff, --compare
              Find  differences  between archive and file system.  The arguments are optional and specify archive members to compare.  If not given, the
              current working directory is assumed.

              Delete from the archive.  The arguments supply names of the archive members to be removed.  At least one argument must be given.

              This option does not operate on compressed archives.  There is no short option equivalent.

       -r, --append
              Append files to the end of an archive.  Arguments have the same meaning as for -c (--create).

       -t, --list
              List the contents of an archive.  Arguments are optional.  When given, they specify the names of the members to list.

              Test the archive volume label and exit.  When used without arguments, it prints the volume label (if any) and exits with status  0.   When
              one  or  more  command  line  arguments  are given.  tar compares the volume label with each argument.  It exits with code 0 if a match is
              found, and with code 1 otherwise.  No output is displayed, unless used together with the -v (--verbose) option.

              There is no short option equivalent for this option.

       -u, --update
              Append files which are newer than the corresponding copy in the archive.  Arguments have the same meaning as with -c and -r options.   NoâАР
              tice,  that newer files don't replace their old archive copies, but instead are appended to the end of archive.  The resulting archive can
              thus contain several members of the same name, corresponding to various versions of the same file.

       -x, --extract, --get
              Extract files from an archive.  Arguments are optional.  When given, they specify names of the archive members to be extracted.

              Show built-in defaults for various tar options and exit.  No arguments are allowed.

       -?, --help
              Display a short option summary and exit.  No arguments allowed.

              Display a list of available options and exit.  No arguments allowed.

              Print program version and copyright information and exit.


Operation modifiers

              Check device numbers when creating incremental archives (default).

       -g, --listed-incremental=FILE
              Handle new GNU-format incremental backups.  FILE is the name of a snapshot file, where tar stores additional information which is used  to
              decide  which files changed since the previous incremental dump and, consequently, must be dumped again.  If FILE does not exist when creâАР
              ating an archive, it will be created and all files will be added to the resulting archive (the level 0 dump).  To create  incremental  arâАР
              chives of non-zero level N, create a copy of the snapshot file created during the level N-1, and use it as FILE.

              When listing or extracting, the actual contents of FILE is not inspected, it is needed only due to syntactical requirements.  It is thereâАР
              fore common practice to use /dev/null in its place.

              Use METHOD to detect holes in sparse files.  This option implies --sparse.  Valid values for METHOD are seek and  raw.   Default  is  seek
              with fallback to raw when not applicable.

       -G, --incremental
              Handle old GNU-format incremental backups.

              Do not exit with nonzero on unreadable files.

              Set  dump level for created listed-incremental archive.  Currently only --level=0 is meaningful: it instructs tar to truncate the snapshot
              file before dumping, thereby forcing a level 0 dump.

       -n, --seek
              Assume the archive is seekable.  Normally tar determines automatically whether the archive can be seeked or not.  This option is  intended
              for  use in cases when such recognition fails.  It takes effect only if the archive is open for reading (e.g. with --list or --extract opâАР

              Do not check device numbers when creating incremental archives.

              Assume the archive is not seekable.

              Process only the Nth occurrence of each file in the archive.  This option is valid only when used with one of the  following  subcommands:
              --delete, --diff, --extract or --list and when a list of files is given either on the command line or via the -T option.  The default N is

              Disable the use of some potentially harmful options.

              Set version of the sparse format to use (implies --sparse).  This option implies --sparse.  Valid argument values are 0.0, 0.1,  and  1.0.
              For  a detailed discussion of sparse formats, refer to the GNU Tar Manual, appendix D, "Sparse Formats".  Using info reader, it can be acâАР
              cessed running the following command: info tar 'Sparse Formats'.

       -S, --sparse
              Handle sparse files efficiently.  Some files in the file system may have segments which were actually never written (quite often these are
              database  files created by such systems as DBM).  When given this option, tar attempts to determine if the file is sparse prior to archivâАР
              ing it, and if so, to reduce the resulting archive size by not dumping empty parts of the file.

Overwrite control

These options control tar actions when extracting a file over an existing copy on disk.

       -k, --keep-old-files
              Don't replace existing files when extracting.

              Don't replace existing files that are newer than their archive copies.

              Don't replace existing symlinks to directories when extracting.

              Preserve metadata of existing directories.

              Extract all files into DIR, or, if used without argument, into a subdirectory named by the base name of the archive (minus  standard  comâАР
              pression suffixes recognizable by --auto-compress).

              Overwrite existing files when extracting.

              Overwrite metadata of existing directories when extracting (default).

              Recursively remove all files in the directory prior to extracting it.

              Remove files from disk after adding them to the archive.

              Don't replace existing files when extracting, silently skip over them.

       -U, --unlink-first
              Remove each file prior to extracting over it.

       -W, --verify
              Verify the archive after writing it.

Output stream selection


Ignore subprocess exit codes.

              Treat non-zero exit codes of children as error (default).

       -O, --to-stdout
              Extract files to standard output.

              Pipe  extracted  files to COMMAND.  The argument is the pathname of an external program, optionally with command line arguments.  The proâАР
              gram will be invoked and the contents of the file being extracted supplied to it on its standard input.  Additional data will be  supplied
              via the following environment variables:

                     Type of the file. It is a single letter with the following meaning:

                             f           Regular file
                             d           Directory
                             l           Symbolic link
                             h           Hard link
                             b           Block device
                             c           Character device

                     Currently only regular files are supported.

                     File mode, an octal number.

                     The name of the file.

                     Name of the file as stored in the archive.

                     Name of the file owner.

                     Name of the file owner group.

                     Time  of  last access. It is a decimal number, representing seconds since the Epoch.  If the archive provides times with nanosecond
                     precision, the nanoseconds are appended to the timestamp after a decimal point.

                     Time of last modification.

                     Time of last status change.

                     Size of the file.

                     UID of the file owner.

                     GID of the file owner.

              Additionally, the following variables contain information about tar operation mode and the archive being processed:

                     GNU tar version number.

                     The name of the archive tar is processing.

                     Current blocking factor, i.e. number of 512-byte blocks in a record.

                     Ordinal number of the volume tar is processing (set if reading a multi-volume archive).

                     Format of the archive being processed.  One of: gnu, oldgnu, posix, ustar, v7.

                     A short option (with a leading dash) describing the operation tar is executing.

Handling of file attributes

              Preserve access times on dumped files, either by restoring the times after reading (METHOD=replace, this is the default) or by not setting
              the times in the first place (METHOD=system)

              Delay  setting  modification  times and permissions of extracted directories until the end of extraction.  Use this option when extracting
              from an archive which has unusual member ordering.

              Force NAME as group for added files.  If GID is not supplied, NAME can be either a user name or numeric GID.  In  this  case  the  missing
              part (GID or name) will be inferred from the current host's group database.

              When used with --group-map=FILE, affects only those files whose owner group is not listed in FILE.

              Read  group translation map from FILE.  Empty lines are ignored.  Comments are introduced with # sign and extend to the end of line.  Each
              non-empty line in FILE defines translation for a single group.  It must consist of two fields, delimited by any amount of whitespace:

              OLDGRP NEWGRP[:NEWGID]

              OLDGRP is either a valid group name or a GID prefixed with +.  Unless NEWGID is supplied, NEWGRP must also be either a valid group name or
              a +GID.  Otherwise, both NEWGRP and NEWGID need not be listed in the system group database.

              As a result, each input file with owner group OLDGRP will be stored in archive with owner group NEWGRP and GID NEWGID.

              Force symbolic mode CHANGES for added files.

              Set mtime for added files.  DATE-OR-FILE is either a date/time in almost arbitrary format, or the name of an existing file.  In the latter
              case the mtime of that file will be used.

       -m, --touch
              Don't extract file modified time.

              Cancel the effect of the prior --delay-directory-restore option.

              Extract files as yourself (default for ordinary users).

              Apply the user's umask when extracting permissions from the archive (default for ordinary users).

              Always use numbers for user/group names.

              Force NAME as owner for added files.  If UID is not supplied, NAME can be either a user name or numeric UID.  In  this  case  the  missing
              part (UID or name) will be inferred from the current host's user database.

              When used with --owner-map=FILE, affects only those files whose owner is not listed in FILE.

              Read  owner translation map from FILE.  Empty lines are ignored.  Comments are introduced with # sign and extend to the end of line.  Each
              non-empty line in FILE defines translation for a single UID.  It must consist of two fields, delimited by any amount of whitespace:

              OLDUSR NEWUSR[:NEWUID]

              OLDUSR is either a valid user name or a UID prefixed with +.  Unless NEWUID is supplied, NEWUSR must also be either a valid user name or a
              +UID.  Otherwise, both NEWUSR and NEWUID need not be listed in the system user database.

              As a result, each input file owned by OLDUSR will be stored in archive with owner name NEWUSR and UID NEWUID.

       -p, --preserve-permissions, --same-permissions
              extract information about file permissions (default for superuser)

              Try extracting files with the same ownership as exists in the archive (default for superuser).

       -s, --preserve-order, --same-order
              Sort names to extract to match archive

              When creating an archive, sort directory entries according to ORDER, which is one of none, name, or inode.

              The default is --sort=none, which stores archive members in the same order as returned by the operating system.

              Using --sort=name ensures the member ordering in the created archive is uniform and reproducible.

              Using  --sort=inode  reduces the number of disk seeks made when creating the archive and thus can considerably speed up archivation.  This
              sorting order is supported only if the underlying system provides the necessary information.

Extended file attributes

–acls Enable POSIX ACLs support.

              Disable POSIX ACLs support.

              Enable SELinux context support.

              Disable SELinux context support.

              Enable extended attributes support.

              Disable extended attributes support.

              Specify the exclude pattern for xattr keys.  PATTERN is a POSIX regular expression, e.g. --xattrs-exclude='^user.', to exclude  attributes
              from the user namespace.

              Specify the include pattern for xattr keys.  PATTERN is a POSIX regular expression.

Device selection and switching

       -f, --file=ARCHIVE
              Use  archive  file or device ARCHIVE.  If this option is not given, tar will first examine the environment variable `TAPE'.  If it is set,
              its value will be used as the archive name.  Otherwise, tar will assume the compiled-in default.  The default value can be  inspected  eiâАР
              ther using the --show-defaults option, or at the end of the tar --help output.

              An  archive name that has a colon in it specifies a file or device on a remote machine.  The part before the colon is taken as the machine
              name or IP address, and the part after it as the file or device pathname, e.g.:


              An optional username can be prefixed to the hostname, placing a @ sign between them.

              By default, the remote host is accessed via the rsh(1) command.  Nowadays it is common to use ssh(1) instead.  You can do so by giving the
              following command line option:


              The  remote  machine should have the rmt(8) command installed.  If its pathname does not match tar's default, you can inform tar about the
              correct pathname using the --rmt-command option.

              Archive file is local even if it has a colon.

       -F, --info-script=COMMAND, --new-volume-script=COMMAND
              Run COMMAND at the end of each tape (implies -M).  The command can include arguments.  When started, it  will  inherit  tar's  environment
              plus the following variables:

                     GNU tar version number.

                     The name of the archive tar is processing.

                     Current blocking factor, i.e. number of 512-byte blocks in a record.

                     Ordinal number of the volume tar is processing (set if reading a multi-volume archive).

                     Format of the archive being processed.  One of: gnu, oldgnu, posix, ustar, v7.

                     A short option (with a leading dash) describing the operation tar is executing.

              TAR_FD File descriptor which can be used to communicate the new volume name to tar.

              If the info script fails, tar exits; otherwise, it begins writing the next volume.

       -L, --tape-length=N
              Change  tape after writing Nx1024 bytes.  If N is followed by a size suffix (see the subsection Size suffixes below), the suffix specifies
              the multiplicative factor to be used instead of 1024.

              This option implies -M.

       -M, --multi-volume
              Create/list/extract multi-volume archive.

              Use COMMAND instead of rmt when accessing remote archives.  See the description of the -f option, above.

              Use COMMAND instead of rsh when accessing remote archives.  See the description of the -f option, above.

              When this option is used in conjunction with --multi-volume, tar will keep track of which volume of a multi-volume archive it  is  working
              in FILE.

Device blocking

       -b, --blocking-factor=BLOCKS
              Set record size to BLOCKSx512 bytes.

       -B, --read-full-records
              When listing or extracting, accept incomplete input records after end-of-file marker.

       -i, --ignore-zeros
              Ignore zeroed blocks in archive.  Normally two consecutive 512-blocks filled with zeroes mean EOF and tar stops reading after encountering
              them.  This option instructs it to read further and is useful when reading archives created with the -A option.

              Set record size.  NUMBER is the number of bytes per record.  It must be multiple of 512.  It can can be suffixed with a size suffix,  e.g.
              --record-size=10K, for 10 Kilobytes.  See the subsection Size suffixes, for a list of valid suffixes.

Archive format selection

       -H, --format=FORMAT
              Create archive of the given format.  Valid formats are:

              gnu    GNU tar 1.13.x format

              oldgnu GNU format as per tar <= 1.12.

              pax, posix
                     POSIX 1003.1-2001 (pax) format.

              ustar  POSIX 1003.1-1988 (ustar) format.

              v7     Old V7 tar format.

       --old-archive, --portability
              Same as --format=v7.

              Control pax keywords when creating PAX archives (-H pax).  This option is equivalent to the -o option of the pax(1) utility.

              Same as --format=posix.

       -V, --label=TEXT
              Create archive with volume name TEXT.  If listing or extracting, use TEXT as a globbing pattern for volume name.

Compression options

       -a, --auto-compress
              Use archive suffix to determine the compression program.

       -I, --use-compress-program=COMMAND
              Filter data through COMMAND.  It must accept the -d option, for decompression.  The argument can contain command line options.

       -j, --bzip2
              Filter the archive through bzip2(1).

       -J, --xz
              Filter the archive through xz(1).

       --lzip Filter the archive through lzip(1).

       --lzma Filter the archive through lzma(1).

       --lzop Filter the archive through lzop(1).

              Do not use archive suffix to determine the compression program.

       -z, --gzip, --gunzip, --ungzip
              Filter the archive through gzip(1).

       -Z, --compress, --uncompress
              Filter the archive through compress(1).

       --zstd Filter the archive through zstd(1).

Local file selection

              Add FILE to the archive (useful if its name starts with a dash).

              Backup before removal.  The CONTROL argument, if supplied, controls the backup policy.  Its valid values are:

              none, off
                     Never make backups.

              t, numbered
                     Make numbered backups.

              nil, existing
                     Make numbered backups if numbered backups exist, simple backups otherwise.

              never, simple
                     Always make simple backups

              If CONTROL is not given, the value is taken from the VERSION_CONTROL environment variable.  If it is not set, existing is assumed.

       -C, --directory=DIR
              Change to DIR before performing any operations.  This option is order-sensitive, i.e. it affects all options that follow.

              Exclude files matching PATTERN, a glob(3)-style wildcard pattern.

              Exclude backup and lock files.

              Exclude contents of directories containing file CACHEDIR.TAG, except for the tag file itself.

              Exclude directories containing file CACHEDIR.TAG and the file itself.

              Exclude everything under directories containing CACHEDIR.TAG

              Before  dumping a directory, see if it contains FILE.  If so, read exclusion patterns from this file.  The patterns affect only the direcâАР
              tory itself.

              Same as --exclude-ignore, except that patterns from FILE affect both the directory and all its subdirectories.

              Exclude contents of directories containing FILE, except for FILE itself.

              Exclude directories containing FILE.

              Exclude everything under directories containing FILE.

              Exclude version control system directories.

              Exclude files that match patterns read from VCS-specific ignore files.  Supported  files  are:  .cvsignore,  .gitignore,  .bzrignore,  and

       -h, --dereference
              Follow symlinks; archive and dump the files they point to.

              Follow hard links; archive and dump the files they refer to.

       -K, --starting-file=MEMBER
              Begin at the given member in the archive.

              Work on files whose data changed after the DATE.  If DATE starts with / or . it is taken to be a file name; the mtime of that file is used
              as the date.

              Disable the effect of the previous --null option.

              Avoid descending automatically in directories.

              Do not unquote input file or member names.

              Treat each line read from a file list as if it were supplied in the command line.  I.e., leading and trailing whitespace is  removed  and,
              if the resulting string begins with a dash, it is treated as tar command line option.

              This is the default behavior.  The --no-verbatim-files-from option is provided as a way to restore it after --verbatim-files-from option.

              This  option is positional: it affects all --files-from options that occur after it in, until --verbatim-files-from option or end of line,
              whichever occurs first.

              It is implied by the --no-null option.

       --null Instruct subsequent -T options to read null-terminated names verbatim (disables special handling of names that start with a dash).

              See also --verbatim-files-from.

       -N, --newer=DATE, --after-date=DATE
              Only store files newer than DATE.  If DATE starts with / or . it is taken to be a file name; the mtime of that file is used as the date.

              Stay in local file system when creating archive.

       -P, --absolute-names
              Don't strip leading slashes from file names when creating archives.

              Recurse into directories (default).

              Backup before removal, override usual suffix.  Default suffix is ~, unless overridden by environment variable SIMPLE_BACKUP_SUFFIX.

       -T, --files-from=FILE
              Get names to extract or create from FILE.

              Unless specified otherwise, the FILE must contain a list of names separated by ASCII LF (i.e. one name per line).  The names read are hanâАР
              dled  the  same way as command line arguments.  They undergo quote removal and word splitting, and any string that starts with a - is hanâАР
              dled as tar command line option.

              If this behavior is undesirable, it can be turned off using the --verbatim-files-from option.

              The --null option instructs tar that the names in FILE are separated by ASCII NUL character, instead of LF.  It is useful if the  list  is
              generated by find(1) -print0 predicate.

              Unquote file or member names (default).

              Treat  each  line  obtained from a file list as a file name, even if it starts with a dash.  File lists are supplied with the --files-from
              (-T) option.  The default behavior is to handle names supplied in file lists as if they were typed in the command  line,  i.e.  any  names
              starting with a dash are treated as tar options.  The --verbatim-files-from option disables this behavior.

              This  option  affects  all  --files-from  options  that  occur  after  it  in the command line.  Its effect is reverted by the --no-verbaâАР
              tim-files-from} option.

              This option is implied by the --null option.

              See also --add-file.

       -X, --exclude-from=FILE
              Exclude files matching patterns listed in FILE.

File name transformations

              Strip NUMBER leading components from file names on extraction.

       --transform=EXPRESSION, --xform=EXPRESSION
              Use sed replace EXPRESSION to transform file names.

File name matching options

These options affect both exclude and include patterns.

              Patterns match file name start.

              Ignore case.

              Patterns match after any / (default for exclusion).

              Case sensitive matching (default).

              Verbatim string matching.

              Wildcards do not match /.

              Use wildcards (default for exclusion).

              Wildcards match / (default for exclusion).

Informative output

              Display progress messages every Nth record (default 10).

              Run ACTION on each checkpoint.

              Only set time when the file is more recent than what was given with --mtime.

              Print file time to its full resolution.

              Send verbose output to FILE.

       -l, --check-links
              Print a message if not all links are dumped.

              Disable quoting for characters from STRING.

              Additionally quote characters from STRING.

              Set quoting style for file and member names.  Valid values for STYLE are literal, shell, shell-always, c, c-maybe,  escape,  locale,  cloâАР

       -R, --block-number
              Show block number within archive with each message.

              When listing or extracting, list each directory that does not match search criteria.

       --show-transformed-names, --show-stored-names
              Show file or archive names after transformation by --strip and --transform options.

              Print  total  bytes  after  processing the archive.  If SIGNAL is given, print total bytes when this signal is delivered.  Allowed signals
              are: SIGHUP, SIGQUIT, SIGINT, SIGUSR1, and SIGUSR2.  The SIG prefix can be omitted.

       --utc  Print file modification times in UTC.

       -v, --verbose
              Verbosely list files processed.  Each instance of this option on the command line increases the verbosity level by one.  The maximum  verâАР
              bosity level is 3.  For a detailed discussion of how various verbosity levels affect tar's output, please refer to GNU Tar Manual, subsecâАР
              tion 2.5.1 "The --verbose Option".

              Enable or disable warning messages identified by KEYWORD.  The messages are suppressed if KEYWORD is prefixed with no- and enabled  otherâАР

              Multiple --warning messages accumulate.

              Keywords controlling general tar operation:

              all    Enable all warning messages.  This is the default.

              none   Disable all warning messages.

                     "%s: file name read contains nul character"

                     "A lone zero block at %s"

              Keywords applicable for tar --create:

                     "%s: contains a cache directory tag %s; %s"

                     "%s: File shrank by %s bytes; padding with zeros"

              xdev   "%s: file is on a different filesystem; not dumped"

                     "%s: Unknown file type; file ignored"
                     "%s: socket ignored"
                     "%s: door ignored"

                     "%s: file is unchanged; not dumped"

                     "%s: file is the archive; not dumped"

                     "%s: File removed before we read it"

                     "%s: file changed as we read it"

                     Suppresses warnings about unreadable files or directories. This keyword applies only if used together with the --ignore-failed-read

              Keywords applicable for tar --extract:

                     "%s: skipping existing file"

                     "%s: implausibly old time stamp %s"
                     "%s: time stamp %s is %s s in the future"

                     "Extracting contiguous files as regular files"

                     "Attempting extraction of symbolic links as hard links"

                     "%s: Unknown file type '%c', extracted as normal file"

                     "Current %s is newer or same age"

                     "Ignoring unknown extended header keyword '%s'"

                     Controls verbose description of failures occurring when trying to run alternative decompressor programs.  This warning is  disabled
                     by default (unless --verbose is used).  A common example of what you can get when using this warning is:

                     $ tar --warning=decompress-program -x -f archive.Z
                     tar (child): cannot run compress: No such file or directory
                     tar (child): trying gzip

                     This means that tar first tried to decompress archive.Z using compress, and, when that failed, switched to gzip.

                     "Record size = %lu blocks"

              Keywords controlling incremental extraction:

                     "%s: Directory has been renamed from %s"
                     "%s: Directory has been renamed"

                     "%s: Directory is new"

              xdev   "%s: directory is on a different device: not purging"

                     "Malformed dumpdir: 'X' never used"

       -w, --interactive, --confirmation
              Ask for confirmation for every action.

Compatibility options

-o When creating, same as –old-archive. When extracting, same as –no-same-owner.

Size suffixes

               Suffix    Units                   Byte Equivalent
               b         Blocks                  SIZE x 512
               B         Kilobytes               SIZE x 1024
               c         Bytes                   SIZE
               G         Gigabytes               SIZE x 1024^3
               K         Kilobytes               SIZE x 1024
               k         Kilobytes               SIZE x 1024
               M         Megabytes               SIZE x 1024^2
               P         Petabytes               SIZE x 1024^5
               T         Terabytes               SIZE x 1024^4
               w         Words                   SIZE x 2


Tar exit code indicates whether it was able to successfully perform the requested operation, and if not, what kind of error occurred.

0 Successful termination.

       1      Some files differ.  If tar was invoked with the --compare (--diff, -d) command line option, this means that some files in the archive difâАР
              fer from their disk counterparts.  If tar was given one of the --create, --append or --update options, this  exit  code  means  that  some
              files were changed while being archived and so the resulting archive does not contain the exact copy of the file set.

       2      Fatal error.  This means that some fatal, unrecoverable error occurred.

       If  a subprocess that had been invoked by tar exited with a nonzero exit code, tar itself exits with that code as well.  This can happen, for exâАР
       ample, if a compression option (e.g. -z) was used and the external compressor program failed.  Another example is rmt failure during backup to  a
       remote device.


bzip2(1), compress(1), gzip(1), lzma(1), lzop(1), rmt(8), symlink(7), xz(1), zstd(1).

Complete tar manual: run info tar or use emacs(1) info mode to read it.

Online copies of GNU tar documentation in various formats can be found at:


Report bugs to <>.


       Copyright © 2013-2019 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
       License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>
       This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.  There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.

TAR                                                                   July 13, 2020                                                               TAR(1)
AI for the masses

Learning Soccer Juggling Skills with Layer-wise Mixture-of-Experts


This is based on the research paper titled “Learning Soccer Juggling Skills with Layer-wise Mixture-of-Experts,” which was presented at the SIGGRAPH ’22 Conference. The paper was authored by a group of researchers dedicated to the advancement of physics-based simulation and control for generating soccer juggling animations. The full paper can be accessed and read here. The credit for this insightful and innovative research goes to the authors of the paper. Their work contributes significantly to the field of reinforcement learning and its application in sports simulation.

In the world of sports, soccer juggling is a skill that requires a high level of control and precision. This skill involves keeping a soccer ball in the air by bouncing it off various parts of the body without letting it touch the ground. Recently, a group of researchers developed a system that uses physics-based simulation and control to generate soccer juggling animations. Their work, titled “Learning Soccer Juggling Skills with Layer-wise Mixture-of-Experts,” was presented at the SIGGRAPH ’22 Conference.

The researchers’ system is designed to easily specify different soccer juggling skills using either crude hand-designed pose sequences or motion capture data. Transitions between skills are introduced as directed edges in a control graph, and reinforcement learning (RL) is used to train control policies based on this graph. To support efficient and effective learning, the system employs a layer-wise mixture-of-experts architecture.


The researchers designed a control graph that specifies various juggling skills and their transitions. These skills are learned via a random walk on the graph. The policy generates the action based on the upcoming control nodes and the simulation state. The policy is trained based on the reward feedback via RL. A simulation episode terminates if the constraints in the control node are violated, and the edge weight of the specific node will be updated to adjust the probability of traversing an edge during the random walk.

The researchers also introduced a layer-wise mixture-of-experts (MOE) architecture. A linear MOE layer consists of multiple linear layers (experts) that are used independently to construct different outputs. These outputs are blended together via the expert weights. A layer-wise MOE consists of multiple layers of linear MOE, and a common gating network is used to generate the expert weights for all linear MOE layers.


The researchers found that different skills exhibit different gating patterns. They also observed that layer-wise MOE induces better specialization, which can reduce the interference effect between tasks. The slightly worse utilization is expected since the control graph is unbalanced.

The adaptive random walk supports the learning of challenging transitions. In all cases, training with adaptive random walk converges faster. Even without the adaptive random walk, the layer-wise MOE is better than alternatives with the adaptive random walk, further demonstrating the benefit of using the layer-wise MOE.


The researchers concluded that their system can perform a variety of full-body soccer juggling skills and the related transitions, including foot, knee, head, and chest juggling, as well as the around the world foot juggle. They also found that their learned policy can withstand perturbations equivalent to a moderate breeze. Surprisingly, they discovered that their policy is able to juggle novel shapes such as box, cylinder, and ellipsoid, with sizes similar to that of the soccer ball.

This research contributes to the field by proposing an overall method for learning difficult soccer juggling skills. It shows that a layer-wise mixture-of-experts architecture provides significant benefits for this multi-skill RL problem. The researchers also introduced an adaptive random walk training strategy in support of efficient learning.


shellinfo tips

Using Sudo in Linux

In the Linux world, the sudo command is one of the most powerful and commonly used commands. It stands for “superuser do” and provides a mechanism for regular users to execute commands with the security privileges of the superuser or root. This blog post will explain why sudo is important and how to use it effectively.
Why Use Sudo?

The primary reason to use sudo is for system security. In Linux, the root user has unlimited privileges and can perform any operation on the system. While this might seem convenient, it’s also risky. A small mistake or a malicious command can cause significant damage to the system.

To mitigate this risk, it’s recommended to perform daily tasks as a regular user and switch to root privileges only when necessary. This is where sudo comes in. It allows a permitted user to execute a command as the superuser or another user, as specified in the sudoers file.
How to Use Sudo

To use sudo, simply prefix the command you want to execute with sudo. For example, if you want to update the package lists for upgrades and new package installations from repositories, you would normally use the apt update command. But, as a regular user, you’ll likely get a permission error. To execute it with root privileges, use sudo:

sudo apt update

After entering this command, you’ll be prompted to enter your password. Once you’ve done that, the command will execute with root privileges.
Configuring Sudo: The Sudoers File

The sudo command works in conjunction with a configuration file called the sudoers file. This file is located at /etc/sudoers and defines which users can use sudo and what they can do with it.

To edit the sudoers file, you should use the visudo command, which opens the file in a safe mode for editing:

sudo visudo

In the sudoers file, you can specify which commands a user or a group of users are allowed to execute. For example, the following line allows the user john to execute all commands as any user:


Here, the first ALL indicates that the rule applies to all hosts. The (ALL:ALL) part means john can execute commands as any user or group. The last ALL means john can execute all commands.

The sudo command is a powerful tool in the Linux ecosystem. It provides a mechanism for regular users to execute commands with root privileges, enhancing system security by allowing users to work as a regular user for most tasks and switch to root privileges only when necessary. Remember, with great power comes great responsibility, so use sudo wisely!

How To shellinfo tips

Managing Services on a Debian-Based Linux Server

In the world of Linux, managing services is a crucial skill for any system administrator. Services are essentially programs that run in the background and perform various tasks necessary for your system to function properly. This blog post will guide you through the process of managing services on a Debian-based Linux server, with specific examples for Nginx and Apache.

Understanding Systemd

Before we dive into the specifics, it’s important to understand the tool we’ll be using to manage these services: systemd. Systemd is an init system used in Linux distributions to bootstrap the user space and manage all subsequent processes. It’s the first process that starts at boot (with PID 1) and manages all other processes.

Systemd uses units to manage resources. These units can represent services (.service), mount points (.mount), devices (.device), and more. In this guide, we’ll focus on service units, which are used to manage services.

Managing Services with Systemd

To manage services with systemd, you’ll use the systemctl command. Here are some of the most common systemctl commands you’ll use:

  • systemctl start [service]: Start a service immediately.
  • systemctl stop [service]: Stop a service immediately.
  • systemctl restart [service]: Restart a service.
  • systemctl reload [service]: Reload a service configuration without interrupting its operation.
  • systemctl enable [service]: Enable a service to start at boot.
  • systemctl disable [service]: Disable a service from starting at boot.
  • systemctl status [service]: Check the status of a service.

Replace [service] with the name of the service you want to manage. For example, to start the Nginx service, you would use systemctl start nginx.

Example: Managing Nginx

Nginx is a popular web server and reverse proxy server. Here’s how you can manage it using systemd:

  1. Start Nginx: To start the Nginx service, use the command sudo systemctl start nginx. You’ll need to use sudo because managing services requires root privileges.
  2. Stop Nginx: To stop the Nginx service, use the command sudo systemctl stop nginx.
  3. Restart Nginx: To restart the Nginx service, use the command sudo systemctl restart nginx.
  4. Check Nginx Status: To check the status of the Nginx service, use the command sudo systemctl status nginx.

Example: Managing Apache

Apache is another popular web server. The process for managing it is similar to Nginx:

  1. Start Apache: To start the Apache service, use the command sudo systemctl start apache2.
  2. Stop Apache: To stop the Apache service, use the command sudo systemctl stop apache2.
  3. Restart Apache: To restart the Apache service, use the command sudo systemctl restart apache2.
  4. Check Apache Status: To check the status of the Apache service, use the command sudo systemctl status apache2.


Managing services on a Debian-based Linux server is a crucial skill for any system administrator. With the power of systemd and the systemctl command, you can easily start, stop, restart, and check the status of services like Nginx and Apache. Remember to use sudo when managing services, as these operations require root privileges. Happy managing!

shellinfo tips

Understanding chmod in Linux: Mastering File Permissions

In Linux, maintaining security and privacy is often achieved through a careful assignment of file permissions. The chmod command, short for ‘change mode’, is an indispensable tool for managing these permissions effectively. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the usage of chmod, accentuated with practical examples.
What is chmod?

The chmod command in Linux is used to change the access permissions of files and directories. Permissions control the actions that users and processes can perform on a file or directory, such as reading, writing, and executing.
Syntax of chmod

The basic syntax of the chmod command is:


Here, MODE specifies the new permissions, and FILE represents the file or directory whose permissions you want to change. OPTIONS are optional flags to alter the behavior of the command.

Understanding Numeric (Octal) Permissions in Linux

When using the chmod command, one common way to set permissions is by using numeric or octal permissions. This system involves a three-digit number, with each digit ranging from 0 to 7.

Each digit in the number corresponds to a different category of users:

The first digit represents permissions for the owner (user) of the file.
The second digit represents permissions for the group (group of users).
The third digit represents permissions for others (anyone else).

Each digit is a sum of values that each represents a permission:

4 stands for ‘read’ permission.
2 stands for ‘write’ permission.
1 stands for ‘execute’ permission.
0 means no permissions are granted.

Therefore, if you want to specify permissions, you add these values together. For example:

A permission of 7 (4+2+1) gives read, write, and execute permissions.
A permission of 6 (4+2) gives read and write permissions.
A permission of 5 (4+1) gives read and execute permissions.
A permission of 4 gives read-only permission.
A permission of 0 gives no permissions.

So, if you wanted to give the owner full permissions, the group read and execute permissions, and others no permissions, you would use 750 with the chmod command.

Remember, assigning correct permissions is crucial for the security and functionality of your Linux system. Always ensure that you grant just the required permissions and nothing more.

Examples of Using chmod

Let’s explore some practical examples of using chmod.
1. Setting Permissions Using Octal Notation

In octal notation, permissions are represented as a three-digit number. Each digit corresponds to the permissions for the owner, group, and others respectively.

For example, to give the owner full permissions, the group read and execute permissions, and others no permissions to myfile.txt, you would use:

chmod 750 myfile.txt

2. Setting Permissions Using Symbolic Notation

In symbolic notation, permissions are represented by the characters u (user/owner), g (group), o (others), a (all), and r (read), w (write), and x (execute).

For example, to add execute permissions for the owner of myfile.txt, you would use:

chmod u+x myfile.txt

3. Changing Permissions Recursively

To change permissions for a directory and all of its contents, use the -R (or –recursive) option. For example, to give the owner of mydir and all its contents read, write, and execute permissions, you would use:

chmod -R 700 mydir

4. Setting Permissions for Multiple Files

To change permissions for multiple files, list all the filenames, separated by spaces. For example, to give the owner of file1.txt, file2.txt, and file3.txt read and write permissions, you would use:

chmod 600 file1.txt file2.txt file3.txt


Understanding and effectively using the chmod command is critical for maintaining a secure Linux system. It allows you to control who can read, write, and execute your files, thus preserving the system’s integrity and your privacy. Remember to use it wisely, and refer to the man pages (man chmod) for more options and information.

Meta Description: “Unlock the potential of the chmod command in Linux. This detailed guide explains the concept with hands-on examples, empowering you to control file and directory permissions effectively.”

Focus Keyphrase: “Linux chmod command”

Keywords: “Linux, chmod, Command, File Permissions, Directory Permissions, System Administration, Linux Commands, Linux Security, chmod examples, Linux Tutorials, Practical Linux Examples”